Memorizing Book of Mormon Scriptures: Mosiah 15:6-7 | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Memorizing Book of Mormon Scriptures: Mosiah 15:6-7

Memorizing Book of Mormon Scriptures: Mosiah 15:6-7

One of our goals the last couple years is to memorize important scriptures and quote. I’m going to start sharing them in hopes that it might help someone else with their goals and to keep them organized for me

The memorizing sheets include the entire scriptures, some words left out with the first letter remaining, and then the first letter remaining for each word.

I love this set of scriptures because Christ chose to come to this earth knowing that he would die for our sins. But before that would happen, he would perform many miracles for those he loved so much. 

He had been prophesied of throughout the Old Testament, but the most famous prophet to prophesy of his coming to me is Isaiah. He spoke of how he would come and die for us. 

This was quoted by the prophet in Mosiah 15. He talks about how Christ would be led, like a sheep (the sheep and lamb being a symbol of Christ throughout his ministery). He could have stopped what was going on, he could have performed a miracle for himself. Instead he opened not his mouth. He allowed the Atonement and his death to continue.

Why? for us! He did it for us. He also did it because it was the will of the Father. He gave his life for others. 

I hope you enjoy memorizing this sacred scripture as much as I have. 

Mosiah 15:6-7

And after all this, after working many mighty miracles among the children of men, he shall be led, yea, even as Isaiah said, as a sheep before the shearer is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.

7 Yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father.

First Letter of Each Word of Mosiah 15:6-7

A a a t, a w m m m a t c o m, h s b l, y, e a I s, a a s b t s i d, s h o n h m. 

7 Y, e s h s b l, c, a s, t f b s e u d, t w o t S b s u i t w o t F. 

A screen shot of the memorizing verses in my notes section. Feel free to save the picture or screen shot it for yourself.

We have shared several other things that we are working on memorizing here on our blog. Including the Living Christ, The Proclomation to the Family, The Restoration, and more!

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