Quality heirloom bedding for everyone in the family. Quilts like grandma used to make avtrboutique


When it comes to bedding, there's nothing quite like a cozy, handmade quilt to add warmth and charm to any room. And while quilting may have originated as a practical way to repurpose scraps of fabric, today it has become an art form in its own right. This is especially true when it comes to heirloom quilts, which are created with care and attention to detail that ensures they will last for generations to come.

One of the most popular styles of heirloom quilts is the rag quilt, which is characterized by its frayed edges and soft, fluffy texture. Made from a combination of cotton or flannel fabrics, these quilts are perfect for snuggling up in on chilly evenings or for adding a touch of rustic charm to your home decor.

At AVTRBoutique, we specialize in creating high-quality rag quilts in a variety of sizes to suit every member of your family. Our quilts range from baby blanket size to king-sized, and we offer a wide variety of color and pattern options to suit any taste or style.


All of our quilts are handmade with care and attention to detail, ensuring that each one is a true work of art. We use only the highest-quality fabrics and materials, and our experienced quilters take the time to carefully stitch each quilt together by hand to ensure that it is as durable as it is beautiful.

Whether you're looking for a special gift for a new baby or want to add a touch of cozy charm to your own bedroom, our heirloom rag quilts are the perfect choice. So why not visit AVTRBoutique today and explore our wide range of high-quality quilts? We're sure you'll find something that you and your family will love for years to come.

via https://youtu.be/aeRBKRXx7yA 


Make sure to check out all of the beautiful bedding for young and old here on our blog and in our etsy shop

Using a Butter Knife While Making a Quilt? Weird...Nope!

Rag quilts are a popular style of quilt that feature exposed seams that are frayed to create a soft and cozy texture. While many quilters choose to fray the edges of their rag quilts by washing and drying them multiple times, there is another method that can be just as effective: using a butter knife.


Here's how to use a butter knife to fray the edges of a rag quilt:

  1. Start by clipping the edges of the quilt so that they are all even.

  2. Take a butter knife and run the blade along the edge of the quilt, pressing down firmly as you go. The goal is to loosen the weave of the fabric so that it will fray easily.

  3. Once you have run the butter knife along the entire length of the edge, use your fingers to gently pull the loose threads away from the quilt. You may need to go over the edge with the butter knife a few more times to get all of the threads to loosen.

  4. Repeat this process on all four sides of the quilt until you have the desired amount of fraying.

    Watch as we butter knife a quilt block over on our youtube channel

One advantage of using a butter knife to fray the edges of a rag quilt is that it allows you to have more control over the amount of fraying that occurs. With washing and drying, it can be difficult to predict exactly how much the quilt will fray, but with the butter knife method, you can choose to fray the edges as much or as little as you like.

Also, if you miss clipping a seam, and notice after washing, just use the butter knife instead of laundering again. 

Another advantage is that it can be quicker than laundering the quilt multiple times. While laundering the quilt is certainly effective, it can be time-consuming and may take several cycles to get the desired amount of fraying.

In conclusion, using a butter knife to fray the edges of a rag quilt is a simple and effective  

Check out more sewing tips on our blog

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Memorizing Quotes: My Son Peace Be Unto Thy Soul with Joseph Smith

Memorizing scriptures is an essential part of many religious traditions. For example, in Christianity, memorizing Bible verses is a fundamental part of spiritual practice. Memorizing scriptures can have many benefits for individuals, both spiritually and practically. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of memorizing scriptures and the benefits it can bring. 
  • Strengthens Faith Memorizing scriptures can help to strengthen one's faith. It can give individuals a sense of comfort and peace, especially during times of difficulty. Knowing and recalling scriptures can help individuals to feel connected to their faith and give them a sense of purpose and direction. 
  • Personal Growth Memorizing scriptures is an act of discipline that can have a positive impact on personal growth. It can help individuals to focus their minds, improve concentration, and increase their ability to recall information. The act of memorizing can also help individuals to develop patience, perseverance, and self-discipline. 
  • Source of Guidance Memorizing scriptures can provide a source of guidance and wisdom for individuals. Scriptures contain teachings and principles that can help individuals to navigate life's challenges and make sound decisions. Memorizing these teachings can make them more accessible, and individuals can draw on them when needed. 
  • Witnessing Tool Memorizing scriptures can also be an effective witnessing tool. It can help individuals to share their faith with others and to communicate important messages. Knowing scriptures can also help individuals to answer questions and provide guidance to those who may be seeking spiritual guidance. 
  •  Overcoming Trials and Troubles- Memorizing scriptures can help individuals to overcome temptations. When faced with temptation, recalling a scripture that relates to the situation can provide individuals with the strength and resolve they need to resist. Memorizing scriptures can help individuals to develop a deeper understanding of their faith and to develop a stronger relationship with God.
 In conclusion, memorizing scriptures is an important part of spiritual practice. It can strengthen faith, foster personal growth, provide guidance and wisdom, be an effective witnessing tool, and help individuals to overcome temptation. While memorizing scriptures can be challenging, the benefits it brings make it well worth the effort.
Use the picture of the words below to aid in memorizing an important scripture that can bring peace during trials and troubles. 
The scripture comes from a time in Joseph Smiths life when he was imprisoned falsely. He prayed and was answered with this power reminder. 

My son, ​​​peace​ be unto thy soul; thine ​​​adversity​ and thine afflictions shall be but a ​​​small​ moment;

​​​8 ​And then, if thou ​​​endure​ it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy ​​​foes​.

​​​10 ​Thou art not yet as Job; thy ​​​friends​ do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression, as they did Job.

My s, ​​​p​ be u thy s; thine ​​​a and t a s be but a ​​​s m;

​​​8 ​And t, if thou ​​​​ it w, G shall e t on h; thou s t o all thy ​​​f

​​​10 ​Thou a not y as J; thy ​​​f​ do not c a t, n c t with t, as t did J

M s, ​​​p​ b u t s; t ​​​a a t a s b b a ​​​s m;

​​​8 ​A t, i t​​​​ it w, G s e t o h; t s t o a t f

​​​10 ​Thou a n y a J; t ​​​f​ d n c a t, n c t w t, a t d J


For other memorizing prompts head on over to our blog.  


Jelly Roll Rag Quilt Pattern Ideas

Jelly roll rag quilts are a fun and easy project that can be made with a pre-cut jelly roll or by cutting your own strips. The ragged edges give the quilt a cozy, rustic look that's perfect for snuggling up on the couch. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best jelly roll rag quilt patterns that are sure to inspire you.k.

Visit each pattern by clicking on the pictures below

Rail Fence Jelly Roll Rag Quilt The rail fence jelly roll rag quilt is a classic design that's easy to make and looks great in any color scheme. You'll need one jelly roll and some flannel to make this quilt.

The easy peasy rag quilt pattern is the perfect quilt pattern to use your jelly roll and fat quarter bundles together.

Sew girl rag quilt pattern uses a few jelly rolls which is a great quilt project to use up your scraps!

The rag quilt purse uses a few large blocks, but also some jelly roll strips too. Perfect for those random jelly roll strips leftover from other projects.

Chevron Jelly Roll Rag Quilt turned into a bag! Can be used to make a quilt as well.  The chevron jelly roll rag quilt is a modern take on a classic design.
Scrappy Jelly Roll Rag Quilt The scrappy jelly roll rag quilt is a great way to use up your leftover jelly roll strips.

 Jelly rolls on point rag quilt is a really fun scrap buster project. With quilted large squares for your to embroider, applique, or quilt your favorite designs.

In conclusion, jelly roll rag quilts are a fun and easy project that can be made in a variety of designs and color schemes. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced quilter, these patterns are sure to inspire you to create your own unique quilt. So gather your materials and get started on your next project!
Make sure to visit our blog for more Rag Quilting information including all of the basics you will need to know to complete your first (or 50th) rag quilt. 


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