Should You Use a Walking Foot to Sew a Rag Quilt? | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Should You Use a Walking Foot to Sew a Rag Quilt?

Should You Use a Walking Foot to Sew a Rag Quilt?


I often receive this question: Should I use a walking foot to sew a rag quilt? 

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Sadly, and like most things in life, its not a cut and dry answer.

There are several factors that run into my decision, and possibly yours, when choosing a walking foot over a regular sewing machine foot. 

Fabric chosen for rag quilt

If I am using cotton or flannel fabrics only, I opt to use a regular sewing machine foot. If I am using minky fabric, then I always use a walking foot. Cotton and flannel don't have a lot of natural stretch to the fabric, and minky is very stretchy and slick. The walking foot helps the fabric move through evenly

Machine used to sew rag quilt 

If I am sewing on my industrial Juki DDL 8700 I don't have a choice. No walking foot for me. If I am looking for speed and a better quality stitch then I am using the Juki. 

Seam Allowance on rag quilt

Using a 1/2 inch seam allowance is kinda annoying with a walking foot. The foot is wider and it seems to grab the fabric and fold it over as I am going. So often I get frustrated and switch back to my regular foot. Not all sewing machine feet are the exact same width. This may  not be an issue with your machine or where you're comfortable with your seam allowance on your rag quilt

In conclusion, it really is a personal preference whether a walking foot is for you or not. And just like most things in rag quilting, there really isn't a right or wrong way to do things. 

Give the walking foot a quick go, if you like it, keep it! No harm in trying

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