How to Clean Rag Quilts after Washing | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Clean Rag Quilts after Washing

How to Clean Rag Quilts after Washing

You've created a beautiful rag quilt by picking out the perfect fabric, it's clipped, it's washed and dried (using our tips and tricks), but now it is out of the washing machine and dryer and it COVERED in fuzzy little lint pieces. 


Gah! No fun right?

Nope! You've got this. It's easy.

All it takes is a lint roller. 

So quick and easy. It picks up those annoying little fibers.

They are pretty cheap. They can be found at the Dollar Store, Amazon, Walmart. I am sure you could even find them at your local grocery store!

 Now a word about lint rollers. We use them a lot. I have found these lint rollers to be my absolute favorite for everything lint roller worthy



These lint rollers come with a handle that is more like a paint roller. It rolls smoothly and lasts through all 12 of those refills, plus many more. My only grief is that I have tried to purchase just the refills, but haven't found a place to only get the refills and not the handles. I've got quite the stockpile of handles these days but they seriously last forever and are such great quality. The lint roller itself is sticky enough that it picks up the fibers, but not so sticky that its hard to roll. 

I highly recommend them!

 Now a word about this video. Its a quick one. Around 1 minute. It walks you through washing a quilt from start to finish, including the final cleaning of the rag quilt with a lint roller. So if you're only interested in the lint roller part, head to the last 30 seconds or so.



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