Reading to Keep Away the Winter Blues! | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Reading to Keep Away the Winter Blues!

Reading to Keep Away the Winter Blues!

I don't know about you, but about the middle of January (now that Christmas is over) when the cold settles in the frozen tundra of Idaho, I start to not want to EVER leave my house! Like Ever...

Reading a book has definitely helped me to chase away the winter blues over the years. There isn't much better than snuggling under warm blanket (our favorites can be found in our shop) with a good book.

This winter, I have been taking advantage of our small town Public Library. For it being in a teeny tiny trailer, they have done an amazing job of stocking it to the gills with wonderful books for everyone in the family.

But when I read a library book, there can't be any of my lazy book reading folding over the page corner, laying the book upside down to hold the page, or finding whatever is nearest to me to hold the pages open til the next time I am back to reading.

 My solution....These beautiful chunky paper clips! They have been so wonderful to use as bookmarks. They don't fall out easily, they are really quick and easy to insert into the pages whenever I am needed elsewhere, and they're cute! 

They are also the perfect gift for another reading fanatic. Perfect to hold your favorite recipe in the recipe book. Or marking any other page, or keeping a stack of papers together. 

Even though I make them in our cute little shop, these are one of my most used things in my house. I really love them that much!

I am a historical fiction kinda reader. I like to feel like I am learning something while also just enjoying relaxing and reading, without having to think too much. 

My guilty pleasure in reading lately has been regency romance novels. Amazingly (and thankfully) there is an entire sub genre of good, clean, love stories. Deseret book, Cove Fort Publishing, and others have many of these types of books.

 Sarah M Eden has got to be one of my absolute favorite authors in this genre. She has a couple series that have been amazingly spun of 2 different families. But those series also intermix with its characters and stories. Along with the series there are a few standalone books that also can be read alone or together with the series. I have read these series several times and have even bought the books...cause they really are that good! There are so many nuances of little things that I pick up on each time I read them.

The first is the lancaster series  along with the Jonquil Brothers Along with these series she is starting another series called the Gents which also goes along with the first 2 series. 

One of my biggest pet peeves, when reading novels, is that the characters begin and end. With these series that Sarah has masterfully crafted, we are able to learn and grow with each of the characters as they build throughout the series. Each book focuses on a different main character, but the other characters are consistent throughout all the books. I love it. My 15 year old loves the series just as much as I do. 

The best part...I don't have to worry about her reading things not appropriate to her age and experiences. Plus, If I don't want her reading those things, then I probably shouldn't be reading it either.

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