Flannel Rag Quilt Without Batting | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Flannel Rag Quilt Without Batting

Flannel Rag Quilt Without Batting

A Vision to Remember got its start with creating rag quilts. We've been doing it for over 12 years. Many more if you count that my first quilt that I made was while I was in junior high!

We've sewn many quilts with batting and many quilts without batting. 

Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern
Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern


The vast majority of quilts we sell in our shop are made without batting. But for those that are looking for batting, look no further! We did an entire blog post about making rag quilts with batting and how to choose the type of batting to be used. 

But for those of you looking for a flannel rag quilt without batting, we've got you covered. These are our favorite types of rag quilts. But first let me give you a lowdown on our process.

Sports Rag Quilt Pattern
Sports Rag Quilt Pattern

We typically use a mixture of cottons and flannels for the fronts of quilts. It is so hard to find the prints we want in flannel fabrics. So we use a quilting cottons if we are unable to find the flannel print we're on the hunt for. But every single quilt we make has flannel in it. Without the flannel the exposed seams would just not be..well...fluffy!

Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern
Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern

That's the entire reason for making a rag quilt, right?! We're looking for the cozy fluffy seams

When making a flannel rag quilt without batting we stick to 2 layers of fabric. The top, as we mentioned, is a combination of flannels and cottons, and the back is solid flannel fabric. This is the case for us 99% of the time.

Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern
Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern

As always, leave a comment or email us with questions about all thing rag quilting!


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