Oh! Little Bear, Little Bear. Baby Boy Crib Bedding and Rag Quilts

I am obsessing over this gorgeous little bear crib set and rag quilts for little baby boys.

We had such a hard time deciding on the perfect color combo that we asked our instagram and facebook friends to help us out a little bit.

They of course couldn't decide either!  So we ended up making all three sets and I am so excited that we did.

First up is our red, black, and gray lumberjack plaid, arrows, and bears quilt and crib bedding set.  

baby boy crib bedding for bear nursery red plaid, gray bears, and blackred and black, gray bear crib bedding for baby boy nurseryred plaid, black, and gray bear rag quilt crib bedding for baby boy nursery
Next up, just might be my favorite.  I haven't decided yet.

It is our Mint, Navy Blue, and Gray Bear Crib Bedding and Rag Quilt

navy blue, mint, gray bear crib bedding and baby boy rag quilt for outdoor nurseryBears, teepees, and arrows crib bedding and rag quilt

Last, but not least, because who can resist the simple colors but with huge impact of the

Navy Blue and Gray Bear Crib Bedding and Rag Quilt

Navy blue and gray bear baby crib bedding and rag quiltlittle bear crib set and rag quilt for baby boy nursery

beautiful bear, plaid, and teepee crib bedding in navy and gray

 Make sure to let us know which one is your favorite. 

Of course they are available in our A Vision to Remember Etsy shop as well as AVTRBoutique.com.  So make sure to stop by and check them out and all the details.

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Who wants to go on a Safari? The Handsomest Safari Nursery Around!

Elephant baby blanket
 As a mom of young children, I know a safari just isn't quite in the cards for me.  Would I love to go?  Heck yes!

But am I going to go?  Nope

Elephant crib set with coordinating car seat canopy
So for now, I am going to enjoy my little boy safari nursery! 

elephant crib bumpers
 Its a little bit modern with the arrow and elephant prints, but its a little bit rustic with the rag quilting technique

a car seat canopy quilt laid out before I sewed it up
 I seriously can't get over the gorgeous colors of mint, navy, and gray all together!  They make me so happy

 The crib skirt is made in a coordinating mint with a gathered crib skirt featuring the elephants and a mint print. 
 Even the ruffle curtains go along perfectly with the crib set and nursery

And don't forget you'll need a matching car seat canopy for that little man (or even a girl!)

Head on over to our shop to get your very own elephant safari crib bedding!

Elephant Nursery

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