Zebra Girl Bedding Rag Quilt for Twin, Full/Double, Queen, and King Size

Don't let that snow deceive you!

Its pretty, for sure.

But only pretty to look at...


I'm freezing my butt off and remembering warm days not so long ago, and looking forward to meeting those days again.

Twin Size Bedding Purple and Black
But for now.  I am trying to teach myself to enjoy the snow.

Because even though, I am not a fan of being cold....

Snow brings with it a peace.

Custom Girl Bedding Sets by A Vision to Remember

Summer can't say that.

Summer is all about the hustle, and the bustle

Zebra Girl Bedding Set

Winter is a time to reflect and quiet. 

Girl Zzebra  Bedding
I need to remember that both are awesome for different reasons....
If I can just get over the "I'm so cold" stage
Purple and Black Bedding for Dorm Room Girl
If you are in this stage, like I am....one of these quilts might just do the trick for you.

Zebra Girl Bedding RAg Quitl for Twin Size Bed

To find out how you can purchase your very own Purple and Black Zebra Rag Quilt head on over to AVTRBoutique.com to find out more information.  


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Woodland Baby Girl Quilts and Nursery Bedding with Deer Heads

These Deer Quilts are killing me!  In a good way.  I love them.


I can't decide which is my favorite!

So can you help me decide which of these girly quilts is your favorite?!

A.  The Hot Pink, Turquoise, and Aqua Deer Quilt for Woodland Baby Bedding

Baby Girl Crib Bedding Navy, Aqua, PinkGirl Crib Bedding and Car Seat Canopy

B. Lime Green, Navy Blue, Aqua, and Gray Woodland Baby Quilt and Nursery Crib Bedding

Lime Green, Navy Blue, Aqua, and Gray Woodland Baby Quilt and Nursery Crib Bedding
Girl Rag Quilt with Deer Silhoette for Baby Girl or Boy
Deer Baby Quilt for Lady Hunter

 C The Hot Pink, Aqua, and Gray Baby Girl Crib Bedding with Deer Heads for a Woodland Theme Nursery

Baby Girl Crib Bedding Nursery Deer, Aqua, Gray, Pink

Woodland Baby Girl Crib Bedding with Deer Silhouettes in Pink, Aqua, and Gray

Woodland Car Seat Canopy Deer Aqua, Gray, and Hot Pink

Deer Baby Quilts in Aqua, Hot Pink, and Gray Woodland

Check out the video and make sure to add your decision below in the comments....A, B, C, or D 

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