How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Sham | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Sham

How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Sham

Only a couple more days until 2016, I can't believe it!  No, seriously!  I can't believe it.  Wasn't it just yesterday that my little baby boy was born....ok really it was 15 months ago, but it should've been just yesterday!
How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Sham using FMA and Free Motion Quilting FMQ
Today, I am here to share with you, during the Christmas break, a fun little pillow sham that works for both Christmas and through all of winter!  I always love to keep out a few of my Christmas decorations, and this one is one that is great for the transition!
FMA Elf and Gnomes onto Fabric for Pillow Sham with a aqua hat
You can download the gnome pattern pieces HERE
FMA Elf and Gnomes onto Fabric for Pillow Sham

Cutting out the pillow:
1. Cut out 1 piece of fabric measuring 17" wide by the width of fabric.
2.  Cut that piece of fabric into 3 pieces.  They will measure 17" square, and then two 12" by 17" pieces.  The 12" pieces will be for you back envelope
3. Cut out all the gnome pattern pieces

Christmas Pillow Decorations Tutorial with Elf and Christmas Ornament FMA
Assembling your Ornament Christmas Pillow Sham
1. Follow along with the video to complete your pillow
2. Top stitch all gnomes onto the pillow
5. Finish the edge of the fabric using your favorite method on both of the 12" pieces for the back of your pillow (I used the sew, then roll method)
6. Place both of the 12" pieces on the back of the pillow, making sure to line up the corners of the front of the pillow with the back of the pillow.  Pin in place.
7.  Sew around the pillow sham using a 3/8 Seam allowance.  Make sure to backstitch over the places where the envelope opening will be because you will be putting extra pressure on these points when stuffing the pillow sham with a pillow.  
8.  Trim the corners so that when you turn you will have nice and pretty corners
9.  Turn right sides out and stuff with pillow and Enjoy!

If you want to watch how I finish the edges of my pillows check out this youtube video on a Christmas Ornament Pillow (seen in a couple of the pictures)
Free Motion Applique Gnome Pillow Tutorial

Gnome and Ornament FMA Pillow Shams

If you enjoyed this video and tutorial, make sure to share it on Facebook and Pinterest!
How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Envelope Pillow Sham

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