1. Get up REALLY early. Ok, just kidding...Wake Up at 5:30 am. Lay in bed and take a 1/2 hour to talk yourself into working out.
2. Finally get your but outta bed and run on the treadmill. Which consequently, wakes up the kiddos that are trying to get the last few minutes of their restful sleep in before they get up for school.
{but really they only woke up 20 minutes early}
3. Follow said girls around, while leaving a trail of stench every where you go, because, well, you just got done working out. All the while "encouraging" them to get their butts in gear so that they don't miss the bus
4. Get girls on bus and write a to-do list for the rest of the day
5. Then
{yes, they follow me everywhere, even the bathroom.....the HORROR}
6. Girls get off the bus and I look at my to-do list and it still is sooooooooo full.
7. Complete the day with running girls from activity to activity while fitting in homework and showers. Yes, showers, hopefully BEFORE we do all the running around.
Its a glamorous life I live. {don't laugh ;), it really is glamorous}
PS. I hope you catch my sarcasm throughout, and not take it as I am lazy, or way too busy, or not happy being a stay at home mom that owns a business and still trys to stay actively engaged in her kids life, while making it through a never ending list of things that need to get done.
While that list never ends and is continually growing, and every night I feel like a failure for one reason or another..... This life is all that I ever wanted and I get to be lucky enough to actually live it. #iamsoveryveryblessed
PSS. Ya like, how I {sprinkled} in a little quilt love? If you did, you can find it on the new website AVTRBoutique.com.
The quilt is a crib quilt/toddler bed size blanket perfect for any little girl. It is a great size to grow from newborn to toddler, to preschool age. It comes in Salmon Pink, Chocolate Brown, Cream, and a soft Green. Click HERE if you want to check it out

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