Navy Vs Gray. Who is the Winner? Instagram vs Facebook. Don't Miss It!5203 | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Navy Vs Gray. Who is the Winner? Instagram vs Facebook. Don't Miss It!5203

Navy Vs Gray. Who is the Winner? Instagram vs Facebook. Don't Miss It!5203

It was an interesting week between Instagram and Facebook.

First off, let me give you a little background!

My husband asked me a couple months ago (I know I am soooo slow!) to make a quilt for his Co-Worker that was having a baby.  It needed to be for a girl.

If you all don't know, but that is a tall order!  I could do anything I wanted.  That my friends is hard to do!

I had no starting point.  Just something for a girl.  So indecision brought me to my ever present opinion givers....Instagram and Facebook

So I posted this picture:
gray and aqua and hot pink

The decision was pretty loudly declared GRAY throughout all of insta and fb land.  But for some reason I wasn't convinced.  Becky from Ucreate pointed out that the navy was a nice contrast.  I agreed.  So instead of moving forth with the gray version, I decided to change it up a bit.  Add a bit more of contrast.
blue versus gray quilt fabric

The decision this time, was much more split.  Almost 50/50.  {I didn't count for sure, but it seemed that way}  If anything gray might have been in the lead.  Just a tiny bit.

Do you think that helped me at all?

Of course not!

It just made it worse!

So what was I to do, but to cut out 2 versions of the quilt....

Quilts for baby girl before being sewn

Once again.  I went to my good friends and asked once again. This time the decision was a little weighted towards the navy.  I began to see some of the gray lovers switch to navy.  The contrast was being loved.

Mind you, I never told anyone what the quilt would be in the end.  Much to my surprise, the stags were a huge hit!  I am not a hunter, I didn't even know that deer heads are called stags.  Sadly, I may be disappointing to my husband....he is a an avid hunter.  Oh well,  he can educate me on the terminology of hunting and I can educate him on quilting terminology (lol)

Then finally, after a week long wait.  The quilts were finished.

The gray deer quilt is a brighter version

Gray Stag Quilt for Baby Girl with Pink and Aqua

The navy stag quilt, a darker, more contrasting quilt

Navy blue stag quilt for baby girl

Now that the quilts are all finished, and have been posted, once again, to instaFB the decision has been made.  There are still those gray lovers, that have been loyal the entire way through, and there are those navy lovers.  There may be a few more navy lovers, but I am so glad that I made both versions!

Now its your turn...Which is your favorite of the 2 quilts?  Gray or Navy?

Instagram and Facebook Quilt Experiment

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