Rag Quilt Pillow Sham Sewing Pattern

How to Sew a Rag Quilt

One of my favorite things to do is custom orders.  One of the custom things that I get requests for are pillows to match the quilts that I make.

Quickest...Simplest Pumpkin Pillow Ever. From Scratch!

It is so dark and dreary here. It has been so bright and warm and cheerful here that I have almost forgotten that Winter is coming. But sadly, that was just a dream. Now the rain is here and I needed something bright to warm up my living room. So this is what I made to chase the blues away.

How to make a throw pillow for fall by a vision to remember

How to Make Frozen Cookie Dough. It's the Simplest Way to have Fresh Cookies. No Joke

I love the cookies. Well.  At least most cookies.  I have 2 favorites.  Well, 3 technically.  The first is the cookie that I don't have to make.....

Ok.  Just Kidding.  Kinda.

Another one that I love are the Sugarhouse Cookies. They are Amazing!  I can't buy them, or I eat them all.  They are for sure my favorite ones out there that are store bought.  Along the same lines, there is a bakery local to me called Cocoa Bean.  They have ginourmous sugar cookies.  To say that I am in love....is an understatement.

I can't buy either cookie cause I horde them and don't share and I eat them ALL... Every. Single. One.

All By Myself.  {selfish much?!?}

 My 2nd favorite cookie are Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies.  I love them.....like a lot.

How to Make Frozen Cookie Dough by A Vision to Remember

Monkey Face Baby's First Birthday Cake Using Ingredients from Your Pantry. No Joke!

I am not a planner.  Not in the least.

Let me clarify.  I am not a planner for anything besides the essentials. 

Monkey Face Baby's First Birthday 9x13 Cake


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