Rag Purse Diaper Bag for the Girly Baby Girl | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Rag Purse Diaper Bag for the Girly Baby Girl

Rag Purse Diaper Bag for the Girly Baby Girl

 Its been a good day.  I think we are finally getting into the swing of things after school started a month ago. The kids are getting into the groove, and so I am.  I always swore when my babies were little, that we would NOT be that family that went from 1 activity to the next and were busy all evening long...sadly, that didn't stick.

Rag Purse Diaper Bag with Ruffle Flower in Aqua and Pink for Baby Girl by A Vision to Remember
Ruffle Flower Rag Quilted Purse.....More about that in a minute....

Those times of hanging out as a family the majority of nights is now in the past.  So, instead of mourning the passing of lazy days, we will rejoice in the fact that my girls have found something they enjoy doing.   Now our evenings are full of running from school, to dance, to piano lessons, and home.  In between running around we enjoy time together in the car.  Lucky for me, it forces the girls to spend a little time with me.  Whether we are jamming out to music, practicing spelling, talking about our days, or doing a little reading, we are together.  And that...to me... is the most important thing.

There is a part of me that would love to carpool, but then I realize that the time in the car spent together running around, may just be the most important time together.

Maybe.   Hopefully.

So in between all the running from one thing to the next I was able to create this custom

Ragged Purse Diaper Bag that is perfect for a little girl.  

rag purse with flower

 The customer requested a little personalized name on one of the squares, along with lots of bright colorful colors. 
Pink Diaper Bag

 I absolutely love how it turned out!

To purchase the purse you can find it at A Vision to Remember Shop or you can purchase the pattern and make your very own purse.  
Ruffle Flower Diaper Bag by A Vision to Remember

Inquiring minds want to know...if you have kiddos at home still are you adjusted to back to school schedule? 

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