Stag Baby Blanket in Lime Green, Gray, and Blue | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Stag Baby Blanket in Lime Green, Gray, and Blue

Stag Baby Blanket in Lime Green, Gray, and Blue

Stag Baby Blanket Rag Quilt in Lime Green, Gray, and Blue by A Vision to Remember
I think I might be one of the only moms dreading my kiddos leaving me and going back to school for the year.

I know, I know....They aren't really leaving me cause they will be coming home from school every afternoon, but then again we have to wake up early the next morning and then they will leave me all over again.

So, yes they are leaving me....and I am feeling the loneliness already.

 But for the next week, they get to stay home and enjoy just a few more days of summer.  No big, end the summer, banging plans for them.  Just good ol, hanging out and enjoying what will soon come to a close.  

This week I completed this little beauty.  It is a stag baby blanket (or for us uneducated folks [like me]...Deer Head Silhouette) {{I just learned last week that technically it is a stag....oops}}
This quilt was a fun quilt one to do.  I love the modern colors.  They pop...don't you think!?
I used gray flannel to back this quilt.  It is a lightweight, snuggly little quilt. 
Deer Head Silhouette Rag Quilt by A Vision to Remember for a Baby Quilt
The stags (That word...I don't know about it....) or Deer Head Silhouettes have been raw edged stitched onto the backing fabric.  I hand cut each of the head appliques.  Lots o fun and totally love the effect!
Closeup of Stag Raw Edge Appliqued Deer Head Silhouette on the Rag Quit Baby Blanket by A Vision to Remember

As always, before I sew up a quilt, I take a picture of it laid out on the ground.  I then send it off to the customer that purchased it and they make any changes that they would like.  I love having the customer involved and getting to know them throughout the process. 
How to lay out a rag quilt and do raw edge applique for deer stag head
This rag quilt was made with an industrial sewing machine. The stitch that is made with this machine is a very strong and durable stitch {known as a locking stitch} so the stitch doesn't unravel and come apart very easily. The thread used in this machine is the same size as regular all purpose thread but has a higher tinsel strength (making the thread hard to break). Combining both of these qualities will make your quilt a lasting treasure for your little special person}}

The Quilt can be found in the Shop for Sale  

What color combinations would you love to see this quilt in...and more importantly, are you going to go through kid withdrawls once school starts OR will you be sitting back, grateful for a quiet moment?
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Stampin' VMG206 said...

This is beautiful! I love the stag and the fun, bright colors.
Thank you for sharing this week at Brag About It link party on VMG206 (Mondays at Midnight).
~ Megin of VMG206

Katie said...

That is absolutely adorable, really nice job!

Sahana Ajeethan said...

Beautiful Quilt ! Love the patterns you used. Thank you for sharing with us @ #HomeMattersParty. We would love to have you again next week.

Christine said...

Oh!! I love the blanket!!! The colors, the patterns, EVERYTHING looks perfect!

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