Sketch (The Non Artist's Guid to Inspiration, Technique, and DrawingDaily Life) Book Review | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Sketch (The Non Artist's Guid to Inspiration, Technique, and DrawingDaily Life) Book Review

Sketch (The Non Artist's Guid to Inspiration, Technique, and DrawingDaily Life) Book Review

Let me start with this....I have absolutely no idea how to draw. Let me take that back....I can draw a mean stick figure, or a asymmetrical house with a bubble looking tree. Its definitely all pre-k level.

So when I was asked if I would review this book, I was a bit skeptical.  Ok, a lot skeptical.  But maybe a bit hopeful too.  Maybe, just maybe I could learn something.  Even 1 little piece of information, could help me tremendously when my girls ask me to draw a dog next time. 

Sketch (The Non Artist's Guid to Inspiration, Technique, and DrawingDaily Life) Book Review
This book is full of very beautiful and intense pictures.  They are above and beyond anything I would ever be able to do.  But the part that I really like about this book, is the author is honest.  The author is very straightforward about "hey this picture took me 500000 hours to draw.  It was hard.  It was lots of work, but it looks great!"

I am amazed that someone could take such an ordinary item, and turn it into something so nostalgic and beautiful.

Now, my stick figures haven't improved a ton, but I just might be able to add a face to that stick figure now.  Thanks to this book.

If you want to buy this book (its an affiliate link <3 a="" head="" href="" on="" over="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" to="">Amazon. 

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