SailBoat Rag Quilt and Car Seat Canopy Combo | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: SailBoat Rag Quilt and Car Seat Canopy Combo

SailBoat Rag Quilt and Car Seat Canopy Combo

I honestly am so glad that I can make all of these different fun quilts and car seat tents for people.  I would never be able to use all of them.  But I really want to make all of them. I want to play in all the fun fabric, I love sewing at my super fast sewing machine.  Its like my drug.  It IS my drug.  My drug of choice.

Hello, my name is Bobbie, and I am an addict.  I am addicted to sewing and creating.

But wait...I don't want to get over my addiction.

The quilt that was requested was a 33x44 inch baby rag quilt with Applique sailboats on it.  The customer wanted to be able to use it as a blanket and a car seat tent so I added on the straps to be able to attach it to the car seat. 

Sail Boat Rag Quilt Car Seat Canopy by A Vision to Remember

The back view of the quilt on the car seat
Sail Boat Rag Quilt Car Seat Canopy by A Vision to Remember
Ahhh!  I seriously, I just can't stand it!  I love how it turned out. 
Sailboat Rag Quilt for a Baby Boy Nursery
I hope the cute little baby boy loves it too. 
Close up of applique Sailboats on Rag Quilt

The quilt can be found in the shop

The quilt was made using the Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern by A Vision to Remember 
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