Dinosaur Rag Quilt Car Seat Canopy Pattern~ Cute Appliqued Quilt for a Baby Shower Gift Idea

This fun rag quilt was one of the first that I ever designed. It's an oldie, but a goodie! Ya know what I mean?!

Its a quilt pattern for a rag quilt that also doubles as a car seat canopy.  It is a fun and quick sew.  I don't know about you, but there are so many times that I put off making a present for that sweet baby that is on its way.  I have 9 months to get it done right?  Then I end up getting the invitation for the baby shower.  It's a couple weeks away, right?  Plenty of time!
Rag Quilt Sewing Pattern for Car Seat Tent with Dinosaur for Baby Boy

Lexi Lou Rag Bag Blog Tour

I am so excited to announce the beginning of the blog tour today for the newly released Lexi-Lou Rag Bag.  It is available online as an instant download, and the pattern distributors are putting in their orders so make sure to tell your local quilt shop that you want the Lexi Lou Bag pattern there!

Lexi-Lour Rag Purse Pattern

Wooden Electrical Spool Table Turned into a Bedside Nightstand

When we first built our home, I was on a budget and looking for inexpensive ways to decorate our home.  I was able to do that by perusing craigslist and other resources.  It was awesome.  Its been a few years (4 years ago....where has the time gone?!) and I have since changed my mind on a couple things. 
Electrical Wooden Spool Bedside Table on A Vision to Remember

Stag Baby Blanket in Lime Green, Gray, and Blue

Stag Baby Blanket Rag Quilt in Lime Green, Gray, and Blue by A Vision to Remember
I think I might be one of the only moms dreading my kiddos leaving me and going back to school for the year.

I know, I know....They aren't really leaving me cause they will be coming home from school every afternoon, but then again we have to wake up early the next morning and then they will leave me all over again.

So, yes they are leaving me....and I am feeling the loneliness already.

Pink Lemonade Whoopie Pie Recipes for cookies

One of my favorite things to do with the kids is to cook.  It doesn't matter if we are baking a delicious treat, making dinner, or even just making breakfast...we all seem to enjoy gathering in the kitchen and making something together.  That is where home is for me.

The problem is that most of the time when we decide we want to make some treat....we don't have a lot of time.

This recipe is one of our family go to recipes...we change it up each time.  Sometimes its chocolate, sometimes its funfetti, and sometimes its boring ol white cake flavor.  But every time we make this treat, we enjoy every minute of it together.  Plus they are delicious! 

Lexi Lou Rag Handbag Pattern Release

I am so excited to announce that the Lexi-Lou Rag Handbag Pattern has been tested and is now ready for release.  I am so excited about this bag pattern.  It is a bag that is perfect for your everyday needs
Lexi-Lou Rag Purse Pattern by A Vision to Remember
The outside of the bag features 2 large pockets so things are easily accessible that you need quickly. 
Large Rag purse patterns
It also has a contrasting band that goes all the way around the bag.

I think my absolute favorite part of the purse is the lace zipper detail.  The zipper is optional and the lace zipper was such a breeze to add to the bag.  Way easier than any other zipper I've done before!

Zipper can be found HERE
Lace Zipper with Side view of rag purse pattern by a vision to remember
I love the handles.  Aren't they fun with the contrasting top stitching?!

The inside of the bag features a "smaller" pocket.  Ok...Its not really small.  It fits my Iphone 6+ in it.  On the other side of the bag is a larger divider pocket.
Inside View of Lexi Lou Rag Purse Pattern by A Vision to Remember
This bag pattern will soon be available in quilt shops too. I am so excited to share this pattern with you all! 

The Pattern is available in the Etsy Shop

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Sketch (The Non Artist's Guid to Inspiration, Technique, and DrawingDaily Life) Book Review

Let me start with this....I have absolutely no idea how to draw. Let me take that back....I can draw a mean stick figure, or a asymmetrical house with a bubble looking tree. Its definitely all pre-k level.

So when I was asked if I would review this book, I was a bit skeptical.  Ok, a lot skeptical.  But maybe a bit hopeful too.  Maybe, just maybe I could learn something.  Even 1 little piece of information, could help me tremendously when my girls ask me to draw a dog next time. 

Sketch (The Non Artist's Guid to Inspiration, Technique, and DrawingDaily Life) Book Review
This book is full of very beautiful and intense pictures.  They are above and beyond anything I would ever be able to do.  But the part that I really like about this book, is the author is honest.  The author is very straightforward about "hey this picture took me 500000 hours to draw.  It was hard.  It was lots of work, but it looks great!"

The Best Grape Salad Ever

I was introduced to this salad by my mom a couple years ago. And now (thanks to her) I crave this salad year round! 

Thankfully, Fred Meyer had grapes for $.99 this week (that is super cheap in these parts!).  So I bought myself a few bags and skipped the whole way hope.  

The Best Grape Salad Ever by A Vision to Remember

First you will need to take all the grapes off the vine.  I used 3 lbs.  Wash and dry
Whipping Cream all fluffed up for Grape Salad
Whip up some whipping cream (or use the store bought stuff)

Make a yummy mixture of 1 package of cream cheese (8 ounces) with 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 tsp vanilla all together.  Then fold in the whipping cream into the cream cheese mixture.
Chopped Pecans
Chop some pecans
combine grapes with whipping cream
And stir it all together. 
Whipping Cream and cream cheese combined with grapes
Top with a few nuts and you have the best grape salad on the planet. No joke!
How to make a delicious grape dessert for parties
3-4 lbs grapes
1 quart whipping cream whipped (or a large tub of cool whip, I prefer the good stuff)
1/2-1 cup of chopped pecans (depending on how many you like)
1 8 ounce package cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Combine the sugar, vanilla, and cream cheese.  Whip whipping cream and then fold into the cream cheese mixture.  Combine all the remaining ingredients with the whipping cream mixture.  Chill for 1 hour. 
Find more yummy recipes for busy moms, or just because here on our A Vision to Remember. 
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SailBoat Rag Quilt and Car Seat Canopy Combo

I honestly am so glad that I can make all of these different fun quilts and car seat tents for people.  I would never be able to use all of them.  But I really want to make all of them. I want to play in all the fun fabric, I love sewing at my super fast sewing machine.  Its like my drug.  It IS my drug.  My drug of choice.

Hello, my name is Bobbie, and I am an addict.  I am addicted to sewing and creating.

But wait...I don't want to get over my addiction.

The quilt that was requested was a 33x44 inch baby rag quilt with Applique sailboats on it.  The customer wanted to be able to use it as a blanket and a car seat tent so I added on the straps to be able to attach it to the car seat. 

Sail Boat Rag Quilt Car Seat Canopy by A Vision to Remember

Adventures in Mochi Mochi Land Book Review of Knitted World Book

I'm not going to lie, when I was asked to review this book, I expected something totally different.  Seriously.  I expected another knitting book.  Fine, dandy.  Nothing special, Right?

Well, I was surprised when I opened this book

This book isn't just an instruction book on how to knit.  Or even how to knit cute little mini things.

Its a story book.

Its a story book about these cute little mini things. 

So based on it being a storybook, I handed the book over to my seasoned 9 year old avid reader.  She loved this book.  She read all of the mini stories.  I could see her laughing.  I could see her concerned for the characters.  She definitely enjoyed the cute little book

I mean, seriously, who wouldn't be drawn into a book full of all these cute little characters?

When she was done reading the entire book in 1 sitting, she immediately asked me if we could make these cute little figurines.  Sadly, I didn't have the supplies on hand to be able to make them but we will.  First piece that will be made....the donut!

If you want to purchase this book, its available on Amazon (this is an affiliate link, and I would make a very minimal amount, so maybe I could buy my girl the supplies so she can learn to knit <3 p="">
Amazon Link

Adventures in Mochi Mochi Land Book Review

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