The Ultimate Roadside Rescue Ugly Chair | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: The Ultimate Roadside Rescue Ugly Chair

The Ultimate Roadside Rescue Ugly Chair

A few weeks ago, I spied this ugly chair in the borrow pit close to my house.  I thought "that chair could be cool, but someone probably will be back for it when they realize it fell out of their car"

Then a couple days later my husband said "hey did you see that chair on the side of the road?"
Me "Yes, I did"
Husband "Why didn't you get it?"

That was enough for me!  I picked it up later that day. 
The Ultimate Ugly Roadside Rescue Chair Makeover

Needless to say, this chair was ugly.  It was rusted, the wood was horrible.  The bolts were a painted yucky mess.  It was bad!
Metal Roadside Rescue Ugly Chair Before
But that didn't deter me at all!  I was excited to see if I could make something cute from this chair.  It was a fun challenge.  So after taking the chair apart, I sent the metal frame off for powder coating.  I was warned that the metal was in such bad shape that it just might disintegrate when they burned off all the "stuff"

I didn't care.  If the chair didn't survive, oh well...right?  It would be sad, but, it was free!  Its all about taking a chance and not looking back!

I couldn't believe how good the frame looked when I got it back from powder coating!

It was like a new chair already!
metal chair frame after powder coating

Next, I found some cute +Michael Miller Fabrics at +Hobby Lobby that I thought would work perfectly.  I was wanting a large, bold, fun print.  I still wasn't sure what the chair would be used for (either a desk chair for my oldest, or for a punch of color on my front porch, I still don't know!)
Metal Office Chair Makeover
In order to bolt the wood pieces to the chair after upholstering them, my husband added t-nuts to the wood before I did the upholstery.

*you can see a bolt husband stripped it...oops*
Back of Metal Chair Upholstery

Side view of metal front porch chair from roaside rescue

I am SOOOO in love with the way this chair turned out!  It is to die for, and it is actually comfortable!  Win-Win
How to upholster a metal dining chair

Hey!  If you love this chair, do you mind using this picture to pin to your favorite board?  I would be forever grateful!
A Vision to Remember Chair Upcycle
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Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

What a great save! The chair looks the pink cheery fabric! ....coming from The Scoop! ~Rhonda

PurpleSlob said...

Seriously amazing! NEVER would have believed it's the same chair even!! Sorry, I don't do pinterest, or I would surely do it for you.
Here from Inspire Me Monday.

Falon said...

This is so cute! I love the transformation and the fabric is so fun! Thanks for sharing!

Shirley said...

What a transformation! That before picture would have made me leave it on the side of the road too! We'd love for you to share this with our readers at the Merry Monday party. Stopped by from Wake Up Wednesday.
Love the vision and the results!

Meredith @ The Palette Muse said...

I love that your husband encouraged you to go back for it! What a good man. This turned out so cute, and I love the fabric you used. Glad you were the one who got the chair!

DIY Just Cuz said...

Wow! With the state of that chair I never would have attempted to revive it. I'm so glad you did--it looks great!!

Sum of their Stories said...

Gorgeous fabric and a perfect chair rescue

Annie said...

This must be the most impressive chair makeover I have seen! It is so pretty now!

Laurie said...

Great job! I love seeing ugly turn into wonderful! Thanks for posting your project on Brag About It for all of us to see!

Sandi Magle said...

Amazing transformation! Every time I drag something totally disgusting into the house and get the 'WTH' are you going to do with that look, I think I will wave a pic of your piece/before and after in front of him…and say "Oh, ye of little faith, have some vision, please!" Totally amazing!

Unknown said...

Fantastic share!!!!!love it following via email. If this is what you can do with a chair I can't miss what else you can come up with :)!

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