Simple Organization for a Sewing Room Cutting Table | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Simple Organization for a Sewing Room Cutting Table

Simple Organization for a Sewing Room Cutting Table

I don't know if you remember awhile back, I posted my craft room. It worked really well at that point, but lately, not so much. My quilting rulers, rotary blades, pins, pencils, scissors, making pens, and all those little sewing gadgets that I have at my cutting table have been cluttered. I sit down a pair of scissors and 2 seconds later they are buried under piles of fabric and I can't find them anymore!

Please tell me I'm not the only one!?

I've had on my mind for the last few months that I need to do something. It's not efficient. I was wasting time, energy, and getting frustrated. So when I walked into the Dollar Spot section in +Target  and saw these cute paper holders ($3/each), and pen holders ($1 each), I knew that they would work perfectly for my quilting rules and other cutting accessories.

Simple and Cheap Sewing Room Organization

As soon as I got home, I hurried to my garage and looked for board that would work and had my husband cut it down to size.

Then I spray painted the board to match my walls and trim.  

Then I used wood screws and secured the board to the studs in the wall. 
How to Secure paper organizers to wall for quilting rulers
To secure the baskets to the board I used picture hanging hooks.  I also used the little c hooks for the pencil holders
Pen Holder used for Sewing Room Organization
Then I also screwed some magnetic pieces to the board (I found them on Ebay) and painted them the same color as the board.

I just love how simple (and cheap!) this board ended up being.  Plus, it will keep me a lot more organized, which equals being more efficient, which gives me more time to spend with my little kiddos.

Cutting Table Sewing Organization

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Cari Dunn said...

Great idea! I just redid my craft room, and I used baskets and bins to put things on the wall. I have so much more room now :)

Stephanie said...

First - super jealous you have a sewing room. I have a craft closet with my sewing machine in a bag in the bottom that I can take out onto a folding table to sew when I have some time. grrr..

Second - there are some awesome ideas here! I love the combo of hooks and magnets - it would work in so many situations too!

Kim said...

That's a great idea. My sewing stuff tends to get buried, too. I don't have a craft room, just a cabinet, so it's a bit disorganized!

Vintage Paint and more... said...

What a clever and creative idea for getting those things up and out of the way. Thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

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