Pink and Cream Ruffle Crib Skirt for Baby Girl Nursery

I think this has gotta be one of my most favorite crib skirts. Its ruffly, its girly, and its oh so soft!

My favorite part has gotta be that it can be dressed up for your fancy lil one, or it can be casual for your everyday laid back tom girl.  Am-I-Right?

Pink and Cream Ruffle Crib Skirt for Baby Girl Nursery
I love that it combines a little bit of frills, with a little bit o-modern.

The fabric that I used comes with beautiful pinks and cream ruffles.  There are 2 different shades of pink, one lighter than the other.  The ruffles don't overlap, toning down the frilliness of the skirt.
Ruffle Crib Skirt for Pink Bedroom

The Ultimate Roadside Rescue Ugly Chair

A few weeks ago, I spied this ugly chair in the borrow pit close to my house.  I thought "that chair could be cool, but someone probably will be back for it when they realize it fell out of their car"

Then a couple days later my husband said "hey did you see that chair on the side of the road?"
Me "Yes, I did"
Husband "Why didn't you get it?"

That was enough for me!  I picked it up later that day. 
The Ultimate Ugly Roadside Rescue Chair Makeover

How to Restore an Old Park Bench with Spray Stain

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We've had this park bench for several years.  It sits out on our front porch, out of the sun, for the most part.  But even with it only seeing the sun in the early morning, it has still weathered.  I didn't want it to get worse for wear, otherwise it might get beyond repair!

How to Restore a Park Bench with Stain Spray Paint

Old Weathered Park Bench in need of Restoration

Pastel Frilly Baby Girl Rag Quilt for an Infant Crib by A Vision to Remember

I am so excited! I just sent off this quilt with a little bumper set. I love the pastel colors combined with the bright colors. The baby pink with the hot pink, the turquoise with the baby blue. Then when you include the ruffle flowers onto every other square; its just the icing on the cake! The frilly baby girl cake!

Cute Girly Quilt for an Infant Crib in Pinks and Blues

My favorite fabric (that is out of print now) is the damask hot pink and turquoise fabric.  It has been my favorite for a couple of years and I am so sad to see my bolt of fabric slowly be depleted!  Do you have a favorite fabric like that?

It is definite fabric hoarding at its best!
Ruffle Flower Rag Quilt in Pastel and Bright Colors by A Vision to Remember
A Close up of the damask fabric and a ruffle flower.  The ruffle flowers have a fabric covered button for the middle of the flowers. 
Close up of Ruffle Flowers on Crib Quilt for Baby Girl

The quilt can be found in my Shop  or if you want to sew your own quilt you can purchase the pattern here
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Simple Organization for a Sewing Room Cutting Table

I don't know if you remember awhile back, I posted my craft room. It worked really well at that point, but lately, not so much. My quilting rulers, rotary blades, pins, pencils, scissors, making pens, and all those little sewing gadgets that I have at my cutting table have been cluttered. I sit down a pair of scissors and 2 seconds later they are buried under piles of fabric and I can't find them anymore!

Please tell me I'm not the only one!?

I've had on my mind for the last few months that I need to do something. It's not efficient. I was wasting time, energy, and getting frustrated. So when I walked into the Dollar Spot section in +Target  and saw these cute paper holders ($3/each), and pen holders ($1 each), I knew that they would work perfectly for my quilting rules and other cutting accessories.

Simple and Cheap Sewing Room Organization

As soon as I got home, I hurried to my garage and looked for board that would work and had my husband cut it down to size.

Then I spray painted the board to match my walls and trim.  

Then I used wood screws and secured the board to the studs in the wall. 
How to Secure paper organizers to wall for quilting rulers
To secure the baskets to the board I used picture hanging hooks.  I also used the little c hooks for the pencil holders
Pen Holder used for Sewing Room Organization
Then I also screwed some magnetic pieces to the board (I found them on Ebay) and painted them the same color as the board.

I just love how simple (and cheap!) this board ended up being.  Plus, it will keep me a lot more organized, which equals being more efficient, which gives me more time to spend with my little kiddos.

Cutting Table Sewing Organization

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