Dinosaur Small Baby Crib Size Rag Quilt

Making Custom quilts has got to be one of my favorite things of all time!  Oftentimes, I have an idea for a quilt, but don't have enough time to make the quilt.  So when a customer requests a certain style, color, or applique I am always so happy to give it a go.  That is exactly what happened with this dinosaur rag quilt.  The customer saw a rag quilt that had sailboats on it, but she wanted the same color just dinosaurs instead.

Dinosaur Applique Rag Quilt

What Does The Fox Say? Toddler Dress with Fox Quilt Block

I participated in the the Top Stitchers competition this week. It has been so fun! My challenge was to combine 2 different styles (quilting and clothing)

This is what I came up with!

A dress inspired by a Fox Quilt Block

Fox Ears Headband complete with cute little flowers

Zipper Pouch featuring a miniature Fox Quilt Block~Rag Quilt Style

Toddler Dress with Fox Quilt Block
When I first found out about the Top Stitchers Challenge, I thought "This sounds like fun".  Little did I know crazy fun, intimidating, challenging, and fun (did I mention Fun already?).  Once I found out all the guidelines, I started to wonder "what did I get myself into?!?"

Deer Silhouette Rag Quilts for Baby Boy

Ever since I made the first Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt Car Seat Tent I have been wanting to make a rag quilt to match. But ya know, between being a mom, church duties, keeping up with the shop, and starting to sell my rag quilt patterns as hard copy versions to quilt shops around the world, I've been going a little crazy and haven't had a chance to make one. Thankfully, the sweetest customer asked me if I could make her one! I can't tell you how excited I was to make this lime green Deer Silhouette Rag Quilt for her!
Green Deer Silouhette Rag Quilt for Baby Boy
Buy It Now

Sew Girly Rag Quilt Pattern

The Sew Girly rag quilt pattern is full of fun little girly frills. From the 3-d scallops to the beautiful ruffles.  The pattern also includes instructions on how to quilt and bind your rag quilt to Minky (or you can follow this little tutorial as well)

Sew Girly Rag Quilt Pattern by A Vision to Remember


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