Owl Applique Rag Quilt Sewing Pattern

Owls are such mysterious creatures. So beautiful, and yet still a predator. A strong, beautiful bird. The owl is my inspiration for these little baby quilts. I just had to try my hand at my own owl rag quilt. The resulting quilts and pattern is what I came up is the results:

Owl Applique Rag Quilt Patterns:

Owl applique rag quilt pattern by avisiontoremember 

How to Make Your Own Fondant Using Marshmallows-Plus Tips and Tricks on how to Work with It.

This is a recipe that a friend shared with me a long time ago.  Making my own Fondant has been lots of fun, especially when I had a couple friends ask me to help make their wedding Cakes.  Sadly, I haven't had much time lately to make any cakes, and I don't think I will ever make a cake for a wedding again.  It is so stressful making sure to make it just right!

Fondant Recipe using Marshmallows
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Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies Recipe

This post includes a link to Amazon.  I do receive a small percentage from all sales of affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting me!
I don't know about you but whenever I want cookies, I don't have a lot of time to make cookies from scratch. I normally only have a few minutes to whip them up. These cookies never fail me! Cookies from a cake-mix. Seriously, the best and the easiest!

Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies Recipe


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