Superhero Rag Quilt Set for Baby Crib includes Crib Size Quilt, Throw Pillow, and Car Seat Tent

Have I ever mentioned how much I love to do custom orders? Ok. I know I have. Like when I did the purple and pink rag quilt, or when I did the Skittles inspired curtains, or even when I 

This time it was for a superhero themed rag quilt set.  They wanted a throw pillow, a car seat tent, and a baby quilt. 

Beyond that they weren't too picky.

superhero rag quilt, car seat tent,  and throw pillow

Mango Jam Recipe

I don't know about you, but I love Mango's.  But they are really only good a few months out of the year.  I wanted to preserve the taste for the entire year so I made Mango Jam.  This mango jam recipe is quick and easy and delicious.

Mango jam easy and quick recipe

Potluck Fruit Trays and Veggie Trays

You don't have to only eat crappy food at your next potluck party! Why not try taking a veggie and fruit tray.  I personally like to try to eat some good for me food, and a lot of time potlucks aren't the best place to eat healthy food.  Why not take your own. These trays are what I took to the Super Bowl party that we attended. 

Potluck Fruit and Veggie Trays for a big Party Hit

How to Decorate a Large Wall with a Monogram Wreath, Large Clock, and Cabinet Door Wall Art

I was so excited when we were building our house that we would have cathedral vaulted ceilings.  We have a really large living room connected to our kitchen.  It is perfect for entertaining.  We have had almost 100 people in those 2 rooms on a couple occasions, and even though we are crowded, we fit and the cathedral ceilings make us all not so claustrophobic.

decorating a large wall with a clock


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