Twin Size Ruffle Flower Rag Quilt in Hot Pink, Turquoise, Purple, and Lime Green | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Twin Size Ruffle Flower Rag Quilt in Hot Pink, Turquoise, Purple, and Lime Green

Twin Size Ruffle Flower Rag Quilt in Hot Pink, Turquoise, Purple, and Lime Green

This last week I was able to make this gorgeous rag quilt for a customer. I am absolutely in love with it.

Here is the picture of before the quilt was clipped to make all the seams ragged and fluffy:

ruffle flower rag quilt in hot pink, turquoise, lime green, and purple before being clipped and washed

The beginnings of the flowers:
Ruffle flower for the beginning of a rag quilt
To purchase your own quilt you can go to my Etsy Shop (A Vision to Remember)

To make your own ruffle flower rag quilt:
Ruffle Flower Rag Quilt Pattern on Etsy
Ruffle Flower Rag Quilt Pattern on Craftsy


Jamie said...

Wow, that is gorgeous!! I love the art of quilting. Hopefully, one day, I'll have the patience to try it! :)

Christy G said...

This is a beautiful blanket. I would love to make these for my grand kids one of these days. I haven't tried making a quilt yet but I do have a sewing machine so I might have to give it a try one of these days.

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