How to Make Giant Lollipops with Balloons | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Make Giant Lollipops with Balloons

How to Make Giant Lollipops with Balloons

For a party I needed to make large giant lollipops for decoration. I needed something that didn't cost very much, but would make a large impact for very little money. Enter the Giant Lollipops made from balloons, dowels, and clear plastic wrap (cellophane)

How to make large lollipops using dowel, cellophane, dowels, and ribbon.  Easy Peasy Tutorial

All I did was take balloons.  Blew them up.

Then stapled the end of the balloon to painted dowels.

 Then I took large square pieces of cellophane and wrapped them around the balloon and tied with a pretty ribbon.

Easy Peasy!  Right?


Maria said...

WOW what a creative idea! I love this! So fun!

Unknown said...

Hey there! It's Bridget I love this idea! Now I find myself trying to figure out how to work these decorations into my life! They are perfect. Thank you so much for partying with us at Inspire Me Mondays. We hope to see you around next week!

Sherry Clitheroe (writing as Abigail Leigh Reed) said...

What a cute decoration! This would be so fun at a birthday party or Wizard of Oz theme many possibilities. Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door OPENS Friday. :)

Life With Lorelai

Muchmore Creative said...

What a great party idea!

Unknown said...

Hi! Stopping by from Show Me Saturday! This is so cute and perfect for a Candyland themed party! That's so much for sharing!

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