Colorblocked Lime Green and Yellow Ruffle Curtain | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Colorblocked Lime Green and Yellow Ruffle Curtain

Colorblocked Lime Green and Yellow Ruffle Curtain

I had a special request to make a custom colorblocked curtain with lime green and white ruffles. I was excited to do this curtain. I am always looking for a new challenge!

Colorblocked Lime Green and Yellow Ruffle Curtain

I love the way that it turned out.  The colorblocked lime green section is about in the middle of the curtain.  It also includes a 2 inch rod pocket.

Isn't it darling.

To purchase your own colorblocked curtain please visit my Etsy Shop.  

I can also customize the colors if you would like. 

For example, I have done a yellow and white:
White and Yellow Ruffle Curtain Valance

Or a Gray and Hot Pink one:
Gray and Hot Pink Colorblocked Ruffle Curtain Valance

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