How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Sham

Only a couple more days until 2016, I can't believe it!  No, seriously!  I can't believe it.  Wasn't it just yesterday that my little baby boy was born....ok really it was 15 months ago, but it should've been just yesterday!
How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Sham using FMA and Free Motion Quilting FMQ
Today, I am here to share with you, during the Christmas break, a fun little pillow sham that works for both Christmas and through all of winter!  I always love to keep out a few of my Christmas decorations, and this one is one that is great for the transition!
FMA Elf and Gnomes onto Fabric for Pillow Sham with a aqua hat
You can download the gnome pattern pieces HERE
FMA Elf and Gnomes onto Fabric for Pillow Sham

Cutting out the pillow:
1. Cut out 1 piece of fabric measuring 17" wide by the width of fabric.
2.  Cut that piece of fabric into 3 pieces.  They will measure 17" square, and then two 12" by 17" pieces.  The 12" pieces will be for you back envelope
3. Cut out all the gnome pattern pieces

Christmas Pillow Decorations Tutorial with Elf and Christmas Ornament FMA
Assembling your Ornament Christmas Pillow Sham
1. Follow along with the video to complete your pillow
2. Top stitch all gnomes onto the pillow
5. Finish the edge of the fabric using your favorite method on both of the 12" pieces for the back of your pillow (I used the sew, then roll method)
6. Place both of the 12" pieces on the back of the pillow, making sure to line up the corners of the front of the pillow with the back of the pillow.  Pin in place.
7.  Sew around the pillow sham using a 3/8 Seam allowance.  Make sure to backstitch over the places where the envelope opening will be because you will be putting extra pressure on these points when stuffing the pillow sham with a pillow.  
8.  Trim the corners so that when you turn you will have nice and pretty corners
9.  Turn right sides out and stuff with pillow and Enjoy!

If you want to watch how I finish the edges of my pillows check out this youtube video on a Christmas Ornament Pillow (seen in a couple of the pictures)
Free Motion Applique Gnome Pillow Tutorial

Gnome and Ornament FMA Pillow Shams

If you enjoyed this video and tutorial, make sure to share it on Facebook and Pinterest!
How to Sew a Gnome Pillow Envelope Pillow Sham

Also, make sure to join the Facebook Group to share your pictures and to ask any questions that you have!
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Christmas Ornament Envelope Pillow Tutorial

Image HTML map generatorJust like usual, I complete a project ahead of schedule, but then for some reason life gets in the way, and I don't get it blogged for awhile.

Christmas Ornament Envelope Pillow Tutorial

I videoed while sewing the pillow.  The Youtube video is below for you to follow along with it.  I made the video play at double time because sewing can sometimes be slow and tedious, but you still get the idea.  So its a quick video because I know you don't have time to sit and watch sewing videos all day.  Otherwise you won't get one of these cute pillows done (if you are like me at all ;)!
Free Motion Applique Ornament Pillow Sham

Cutting out the pillow:
1. Cut out 1 piece of fabric measuring 17" wide by the width of fabric.
2.  Cut that piece of fabric into 3 pieces.  They will measure 17" square, and then two 12" by 17" pieces.  The 12" pieces will be for you back envelope
3. Cut out a large circle measuring 13" diameter
4. For the hanging bow I used 12" of sequin trim
5. For the lace center trim I used a piece 14" long
6. Gather Buttons or other items for embellishments

FMA and FMQ on a Pillow for Christmas

Assembling your Ornament Christmas Pillow Sham
1. Using fabric glue, glue the sequin trim to your pillow
2. Place the circle in the center of the large square and then decide on how to place your other embellishments
3. Follow along with the video to complete your pillow
4. Top stitch all embellishments and the ornament onto the pillow
5. Finish the edge of the fabric using your favorite method on both of the 12" pieces for the back of your pillow (I used the sew, then roll method)
6. Place both of the 12" pieces on the back of the pillow, making sure to line up the corners of the front of the pillow with the back of the pillow.  Pin in place.
7.  Sew around the pillow sham using a 3/8 Seam allowance.  Make sure to backstitch over the places where the envelope opening will be because you will be putting extra pressure on these points when stuffing the pillow sham with a pillow.  
8.  Trim the corners so that when you turn you will have nice and pretty corners
9.  Turn right sides out and stuff with pillow and Enjoy!

How I made a Christmas Pillow the Easy Way

If you enjoyed this video and tutorial, make sure to share it on Facebook and Pinterest!

How to Sew a Christmas Ornament Envelop Pillow Sham using Free Motion Applique by A Vision to Remember

Also, make sure to join the Facebook Group to share your pictures and to ask any questions that you have!

10 of the Best Gift Ideas for a Seamstress

As an avid Seamstress that sews for 40+ hours every.single.week...I decided that I might know, just a tad bit, of what someone would want that sews a lot, or sews just a little bit.

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I did a post a bit ago of my most essential tools that I use and every seamstress probably wants..

They were more of the basic pieces of essentials (like pins, rotary cutter, good scissors, etc), this would be my wishlist.  My wishlist, or what I would tell your Mom or your Husband you absolutely need for Christmas if you don't already have it.

Top Stitchers Aztec Print Christmas Dress

I am so excited to share with you my entry for the Top Stitchers Head to Head competition.  Just like last season, it was a little scary, a lot of knots in my tummy, and a lot more apprehension!

  I thought my prompt was all about Christmas…So, a couple Mondays ago, when it started to snow, I knew I was on a limited amount of time to get this baby from fabric to dress.

So after a mad dash to get the pattern printed, taped, cut, I was off the to machine.  Serging away at the dress.  Then, just as I was finishing up the dress, I looked outside and saw that all the snow that had fallen in the last couple of hours, had disappeared and there was no snow in the forecast the rest of the week!

That’s Idaho for you! 

 I have a feeling that if Idaho was a person, they would be bipolar.  Snow and cold one minute, and summer the next.  It is what it is, and I still love and live here…
After being bummed for 2.5 seconds, we dashed into action.  Grabbed a “few” photo props and jumped in the car, in search for some snow.

Off we drove to the nearby-ish hills.  Daylight was quickly leaving.  Finally, near the ski hill that is 30 minutes away from our house, we found a small patch of snow.  It wasn’t much, but it would do.

We set up a few things and started to snag a few pictures, when the DSLR camera decided it was time for a nap.  Unlucky for me, I hadn’t charged the camera.  '

 Silly me….Who needs a camera when they drive clear to the ski hill to get a few photos?

Thankfully, I had a backup phone camera that did the trick while we were there

 {who am I kidding, my phone never leaves my side, unless I misplace it for a few minutes}.

 Poor girl was freezing her hiney off, while I bossed her around.  I think this will be a trip all 3 girls remember for a long time 

{hopefully because it was fun and spur of the moment-not because I’m crazy…}

While there we discovered this beautiful rock wall and little stream, with lots of green all around.  And I’m not joking when I say that I was hoping to encounter any wildlife of any kind while there (I mean bears are really not my cup o’ tea)

Then off to home and to find some hot chocolate.

Now, remember how I told you that if Idaho was a person they would be bipolar.  The person would also be a woman, because Idaho can never make up her mind. 

The week proceeded like usual, until Thursday morning when I realized that it was…..

you guessed it….


Not snowing a couple of flakes, but REALLY snowing.   

{yep, indecisive}

As soon as the girls got off the bus, Addy was instructed to “get dressed again, we’re going to the hay field behind the house and taking a few more pictures”.

I’m so glad that my 6 year old girl is such a good sport when bribed with hot chocolate.  I packed her through the backyard to the field behind our house and took a few more pictures. 

And that my friends, is how we got to where we are.  
With that all being said, make sure to stop by the Sewing Stadium: Top Stitchers post where I slaughter a remix of The Night Before Christmas Poem.

Also, I would love for you to check out, and give me your score!

A few of the details:

I used the Bluezette Dress Pattern by Love Notions and paired it with Riley Blakes beautiful knit print from their 4 Corners line that Simple Simon and Co created.  

The vest I just cut and cut and sewed until it fit.  I'll have the pattern for you all later on this week...or at least how you can make your own, no matter the size.  

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Aztec Toddler Girl Shirt Pattern by Muse of the Morning {Practically Perfect Girls Shirt Pattern}

I am so excited to share this with you all!  A little over a month ago I joined up with several other pattern designers and swapped patterns.  I was so lucky to be able to try out the Practically Perfect Girls Shirt Pattern by Muse of the Morning. 

Aztec Little Girl Shirt Pattern
If that isn't sass...I don't know what is. 

Easy Peasy Quilt Pattern. The Most Versatile Rag Quilt Pattern on the Planet!

There is just 1 rag quilt pattern you will ever need. No joke. Plus, its right here.

Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern by A Vision to Remember

Make sure to click on the picture to take you to see more pictures of each of the quilt versions

PS...this is the final stop on the Easy Peasy Rag Quilt Pattern Blog Tour.  It comes with lots of different ideas on variations for the quilt....Plus a fun giveaway at the end.

Elephant Crib Quilt and Matching Diaper Bag

I've got a song stuck in my head.  Its the song for my littlest girls dance routine...

It starts out at

"Don't Worray, about a Thang.  Every little things, gonna be alright"

Safari Quilt Set for Baby Boy Nursery
Maybe its stuck in my head for a reason.


Elephant diaper bag by A Vision to Remember and Available at

So, just for a minute....

I am going to take the advice of the song and not worry. 

Elephant Diaper Bag and Quilt for Baby Boy Nursery

Just for a minute though, because really, I don't know what being a mom is like without worrying.  It's the way I am.  And I hear....It only gets worse.

PS.  This quilt and purse are available at

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The Daily Grind and a Girl Baby Blanket in Brown, Green, and Salmon Pink

It's been one of those weeks.  You know the kind.  It goes something like this:

1. Get up REALLY early.  Ok, just kidding...Wake Up at 5:30 am.  Lay in bed and take a 1/2 hour to talk yourself into working out.
avtrboutique baby blanket for girl

Rag Quilt Pillow Sham Sewing Pattern

How to Sew a Rag Quilt

One of my favorite things to do is custom orders.  One of the custom things that I get requests for are pillows to match the quilts that I make.

Quickest...Simplest Pumpkin Pillow Ever. From Scratch!

It is so dark and dreary here. It has been so bright and warm and cheerful here that I have almost forgotten that Winter is coming. But sadly, that was just a dream. Now the rain is here and I needed something bright to warm up my living room. So this is what I made to chase the blues away.

How to make a throw pillow for fall by a vision to remember

How to Make Frozen Cookie Dough. It's the Simplest Way to have Fresh Cookies. No Joke

I love the cookies. Well.  At least most cookies.  I have 2 favorites.  Well, 3 technically.  The first is the cookie that I don't have to make.....

Ok.  Just Kidding.  Kinda.

Another one that I love are the Sugarhouse Cookies. They are Amazing!  I can't buy them, or I eat them all.  They are for sure my favorite ones out there that are store bought.  Along the same lines, there is a bakery local to me called Cocoa Bean.  They have ginourmous sugar cookies.  To say that I am in an understatement.

I can't buy either cookie cause I horde them and don't share and I eat them ALL... Every. Single. One.

All By Myself.  {selfish much?!?}

 My 2nd favorite cookie are Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies.  I love a lot.

How to Make Frozen Cookie Dough by A Vision to Remember

Monkey Face Baby's First Birthday Cake Using Ingredients from Your Pantry. No Joke!

I am not a planner.  Not in the least.

Let me clarify.  I am not a planner for anything besides the essentials. 

Monkey Face Baby's First Birthday 9x13 Cake

Top Stitchers-Interview with Janette from Merri Poppins

Who's the lucky girl that got picked to join in on Top Stitchers this season?

This girl!

There are a few changes that were made to this season from last year. One of those changes are that the competitors get to interview their challenger.

So today, I want to introduce you to my new friend Janette from Merri Poppins.

Rag Purse Diaper Bag for the Girly Baby Girl

 Its been a good day.  I think we are finally getting into the swing of things after school started a month ago. The kids are getting into the groove, and so I am.  I always swore when my babies were little, that we would NOT be that family that went from 1 activity to the next and were busy all evening long...sadly, that didn't stick.

Rag Purse Diaper Bag with Ruffle Flower in Aqua and Pink for Baby Girl by A Vision to Remember
Ruffle Flower Rag Quilted Purse.....More about that in a minute....

The Ruffliest Ruffle Crib Skirt Purple Orchid

I love me some frills!  Today, I want to introduce you to my newest, favoritest color.

Radiant Orchid.....

Purple Baby Girl Nursery Dust Ruffle by A Vision to Remember

Marry that with some ruffles.....

Purple Crib Skirt for Baby Nursery

Mix in a new little baby girl.....

Ruffle Crib Skirt for Baby Girl in Purple Orchid

And you have the most beautiful ruffle crib skirt {in my humble opinion}

This crib skirt is available for sale, or I also have a tutorial on how to make a ruffle crib skirt

This crib skirt isn't your normal, average, everyday crib skirt.
1.  The crib skirt is adjustable.  I don't sew it onto a plain white piece of fabric.  I sew it onto velcro.  Then I send some adhesive backed velcro for you to attach it to your crib.  That way you can adjust the height of the skirt to whatever you need it to be.
2. The ruffles are soft and flowey adding a soft touch to your little ones special nursery.  Because I know, she is one unique little girl and should have a bedroom to match!
3. The skirt is longer than your typical crib skirt.  It measures in at a total of 17" tall.  The top 1" is the velcro.  So you get a tall 16" skirt.  (if you want a different height, send me an email at and I can get you a quote for the size you need)

Just so you know, I can't wait to work with you and create your very own custom crib skirt for that special someone in your life!
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How to Sew a Rag Quilt Throw Pillow

My favorite part of sewing as a business is being able to do custom requests.  A customer will see something that sparks interest, but they want something changed.  So they email me and we figure out how to make that dream a reality.

10 Essential Sewing Tools for the Beginner Seamstress

10 Essential Sewing Tools for the Beginner Seamstress
I don't know about you, but when I go look at the notions wall in Joanns or Hobby Lobby I never know exactly what to get.  Why, you ask?  You are a good seamstress aren't you?

Well, yes,  I am pretty good, but that wall is HUGE!  It has TONS of different things on it.  Then I start calculating everything up in my head and I could EASILY spend a couple hundred dollars on all of that "stuff"  The problem is....Do I really need all that stuff?


Do you really need all that stuff?

Lexi Lou Rag Bag Blog Tour. The Finished Bags

A couple weeks ago we had a Lexi Lou Rag Purse Blog Tour. It was so much fun to see everyone's take on the bag.  I thought you all might enjoy seeing all the different bag.  I know I loved it!

You can click on the picture of each one and it will take you to each individual blog. 

5 Easy Steps to a Successful Handmade Business

Have you ever wanted to start your own business, a handmade business, but don't know how?

Let me tell you....I've been in your shoes.  It had always been my goal to make my car payment each month.  That's it.

Just one measly $312 payment.
5 Tips to Start a successful handmade business

Learning to Sew at a Young Age

I don't remember exactly how old I was when my mom first tried to teach me how to sew.  I am guessing between 8-9.  My mom was homeschooling and thought it would be great to do 4-h sewing.  So we went to town and picked out some 4th of July fabric and a short pattern.

4-H Sewing Experience

I think my mom had to of been a saint because I remember vividly NOT wanting to sew the shorts.  I would sew a section and then it wouldn't line up right and when I came back later to finish the project they magically lined up!  It must've been too much for my mom to handle.  I am sure I wasn't an easy student.

6 Alternatives to Pinning Fabric

For me, pinning might be the MOST tedious task EVER when sewing. I know, I know...Pinning is an essential part of sewing. Or is it?
6 Alternatives to Pinning Fabric-Fabric Glue, Basting Tape, Clips, and Walking foot


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