Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial

Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial

For Christmas my daughter loves to make little gifts for her friends. This year she decided on making this little hand warmers.

Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial

Now my house smells like spearmint because of these little hand warmers

Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial

I pieced scraps of fabric together until they were close to 4x4 inches square.  Then with a coordinating piece of flannel for the back, and right sides together, sew around the edge of the bag.  Sewing the 2 pieces of fabric together.

Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial

Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial

Spearmint Rice Bag Hand Warmers Tutorial

Make sure to leave a little hole so that you can turn the bag right side out and fill with rice.

Then close up the hole by either hand stitching or sewing with your machine.

Aren't they adorable!?!

The printable I found at Love Pomegranate House

1 comment:

Sandy R said...

this is a cool idea, is it a special rice. If so where do you buy it

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