Umbrella's and Life | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Umbrella's and Life

Umbrella's and Life

Its amazing the sense of security an umbrella brings us.  Its been an especially rainy year for the area that I live in.  My 5 year old daughter wanted to go outside and brake the wind, rain, and hail, all because of the umbrella the "Easter Bunny" had gotten her from this spring.

I know, and you know, that the umbrella doesn't really protect her from much.  BUT it did give her the courage and strength to Weather the Storm.

There are so many things that have helped me Weather the Storms of Life, just because I have had them near me.  These are just a few of them
  1. God and Christ!
  2. My Husband
  3. My little Girls
  4. My family
Its such a blessing to know that my very own Umbrellas to help me through the Storms....What in your life gives you strength to Weather the Storms?
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