Ruffle Flower Crib Quilt and Bumpers Set in Hot Pink, Turquoise, Lime Green and Orange

I just adore making crib sets. They are the cutest!

They can't get any cuter.  Bows. Ruffle Flowers.  Bright Colors.

Can I say I am in love and having a hard time sending this set to its new home?

Ruffle Flower Crib Quilt and Bumpers Set in Hot Pink, Turquoise, Lime Green and Orange

This has got to be one of my newest favorite quilt sets.  Hot Pink.  Turquoise.  Yellow. Oh My! 

Ruffle Flower Crib Quilt and Bumpers Set in Hot Pink, Turquoise, Lime Green and Orange

So stinking cute!

I just adore the little lace doilies in the squares.  Making this quilt and bumpers set even more girly.  If that is possible!

Quilt can be found HERE
Bumpers can be Found HERE

Halloween Social Party Decorations

Halloween is upon us, and so are all the Halloween Parties. Here are a few decorating ideas for an awesomely spooktacular party

This party was for a community Halloween social.  It was held in a large farm shop.  Let me know if you can tell as you look through the pictures.  It was a huge transformation, that honestly took all day to set up.

This is the sign in table.  Everyone was encouraged to wear a name tag, most people chose not to.

The silly skeletons messing around.  My favorite is the one in the cauldron eating a whoppers. 
Stage for community social party for Halloween

I think this one stole my headband!  Notice that he is hanging from an air compressor hose. 
Hanging Skeleton

The dessert table.  I didn't get a picture with all the plates filled with delicious cupcakes that everyone brought to share.  They were to die for!
dessert table for halloween party

A wide view of the stage area:
Halloween social community Party

With the umbrella witch hanging over the stage:
Umbrella Witch

The Water Cooler Station with homemade Root Beer and Water.  My mom designed the covers, and my sister is working on getting a pattern written up, with new designs for Christmas and Thanksgiving if anyone is interested

halloween water cooler covers, frankinstein, witch, ghost, pumpkin

The table centerpieces.  Mummy Mason Jars, the basket is from the dollar store and was filled with rolls, the pumpkins came from my parents garden. 
Halloween Centerpiece

I just love how it turned out.  My Mom is an amazing decorator, don't you think?!

Homemade Microwave Caramel Popcorn Recipe-Simple and Quick

I don't know about you, but I L-O-V-E Caramel Popcorn.  Its gooey, its delicious, plus popcorn is healthy for you. Right?!?  Today, I am going to share with you my family's secret recipe for The Yummiest Caramel Popcorn Around!

Straight from the Super Secret Family Recipe Book:

Microwave Caramel Popcorn:
2 C Brown Sugar
1 Cube Butter (1/2 cup)
2/3 C Condensed Milk (I always just use the whole can.  I never measure it)
1/2 C Karo Syrup
Pinch of Salt

Mix those ingredients in a microwave safe bowl.  Cook in microwave for 5 minutes.  Stir.  Then add 1 TSP vanilla extract, cook for another 5 minutes in the microwave.

Pour over a large bowl of popcorn.  I normally do 3 batches of air popped popcorn.  If you want it extra gooey, then do 2 batches.


10 Gallon Water/Beverage Cooler Jug Covers-Halloween Style

Still dying over how cute these water coolers are that my mom made for her Halloween party.

Its amazing that something so ugly as an insulated beverage cooler....
can turn into something so stinking cute!  There are endless possibilities.  The beverage containers that we used are the 10 gallons, but the same concept would work for the 5 gallon ones.  

Ghost and Pumpkin
halloween water cooler covers

Aren't they adorable.  The ghost, the pumpkin, and of course Frankenstein. via Instagram

Frankinstein (can also be hulk or Ogre/Shrek) watercooler cover

FrankinJuice anyone?

Witch and Frankinstein
Witch and Frankinstein Water Cooler Cover

Pumpkin Watercooler cover

 Aren't those legs just do die for and the tutu?!?  Seriously!
witch watercooler cover

 I just love how these water cooler covers turned out.  They are amazing right??!?

My sister is going to be making patterns for each of the covers and coming up with new styles for different holidays and seasons, along with selling the finished item.  So if you are interested in getting a custom one made up, let me know and I will hook you up with her. 

Triangle Dash Rag Quilt Pattern and Boys Quilt by A Vision to Remember

Finally got the Triangle Dash Rag Quilt pattern listed in the good ol Etsy shop. 

Its a fun and easy quilt to sew up.

Or if you don't want to sew your own head on over and purchase the triangle quilt in orange, gray, lime green, and navy blue with chevron, polka dot, and solid prints (also available as a car seat tent)

Triangle Dash Rag Quilt Pattern with Bonus Car Seat Tent Instructions

Finally got the #babyboy #quilt photographed. Love this quilt! #ragquilt via Instagram
A little note about the pattern.  As a bonus I have included how to make a matching car seat tent if you are interested.  It really is a fun and quick sew.  The pink version was my 2nd one that I made.  I needed something quick to give a really good friend of mine.  From start to finish (and that included adding a minky back onto it from this tutorial) I was done in 3 hours.  Not too shabby, especially for only making this quilt 2 times before this (once for a quilt, and once for a car seat tent)

Triangle Dash Rag Quilt Pattern for Car Seat Tent

If you would prefer to purchase the pattern from Craftsy I also have it available there

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The Best Baby Bib Pattern-Super Simple

Everyone that sews and likes to make their own gifts NEEDS this simple baby bib pattern.  Whether you need a quick go to pattern for the advanced sewer, or a simple pattern that the beginner seamstress can whip out, this pattern will be perfect for you!

the best baby bib pattern with flower applique

You can find the pattern in my Etsy shop HERE

the best baby bib pattern with flower applique

Meet This Mormon

In celebration of the new new Movie Release of "Meet the Mormons" I wanted to share a little bit of why I am a Mormon and what I believe in conjunction with several other bloggers. You can see the entire list HERE

Pinable Image
Free Printable found at Burlap and Denim Blog

Umbrella's and Life

Its amazing the sense of security an umbrella brings us.  Its been an especially rainy year for the area that I live in.  My 5 year old daughter wanted to go outside and brake the wind, rain, and hail, all because of the umbrella the "Easter Bunny" had gotten her from this spring.

I know, and you know, that the umbrella doesn't really protect her from much.  BUT it did give her the courage and strength to Weather the Storm.

There are so many things that have helped me Weather the Storms of Life, just because I have had them near me.  These are just a few of them
  1. God and Christ!
  2. My Husband
  3. My little Girls
  4. My family
Its such a blessing to know that my very own Umbrellas to help me through the Storms....What in your life gives you strength to Weather the Storms?
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Geeky 3 Tier Ruffle Girls Skirt

It was my intention of getting this tiered ruffle skirt tutorial up WAY before back to school season. Here I am, an entire month later, writing up the pattern. Gah! Seriously, the last 2 months have kicked my butt. Not Gonna Lie! But I am so grateful for my new little boy that has joined our family, and that I feel good enough to sit down and write a little. So here the tutorial/pattern goes.

To start off with.  The daughter that I made this skirt for is a tall, skinny, Kindergartener.  She just turned 5.  In ready to wear she wears a size 4 or 5.

To start I took a coordinating fabric and cut it in a trapezoid shape.  The bottom 17 inches wide and the top 12 inches wide.  To get the top measurement I measured her waist (23 inches for her) and added an inch for seam allowance.  I wish that I would have made it 2-3 inches wider so that it would still fit her next summer, but I didn't think about it until after I had sewn it all together.  The length for her was 13 inches.

Sew (or serger) down the long sides of the skirt.  Then fold over the top by and inch and sew it down, make sure to leave an opening so that you can thread your elastic through it.

Serge the bottom edge to get a nice clean finished bottom.

Then I picked out 3 fabrics for the tiers (I used the turquoise and cream dots,  the purple geekly chic glasses fabric, and the cream geekly chic glasses fabric all are made by +Riley Blake )

I cut my strips for the skirt 6 inches wide. I cut 1 for each tier.  To know how much you are going to need plan on 1.5 to 2 times more width than your skirt (this is a good rule of thumb for most ruffling).  The fabric is 44 inches wide so it ended up being almost 2 times the width.

Sew the short ends together. 

Finish off the bottom end of the fabric however you like with a pretty little hem.  I did a rolled hem using my serger.  

Then ruffle your tiers using your favorite method.  This time I used a ruffler foot attachment to my sewing machine, but you could use the kite string method, or elastic thread, or the "shove the fabric under the foot and guess as you go" method.  Whatever suits your fancy. 

Now take your base skirt piece and your first tier for your skirt.  Sew the first tier at the base of the elastic waist seam, making sure to not sew over that seam, but as close as you can get.  Sew it down on the wrong side, with the tier pointing to the top of the skirt.  That way it will hide your unfinished edge under the first tier

Now take a fabric marker and measure down 5 inches from your unfinished edge of your top tier and mark a straight line all the way around your skirt.  Now sew your middle tier down using the same method from above. 

Repeat again with the bottom tier. You should be sewing the bottom tier on about an inch above the bottom hem of the skirt.
Now you have a beautiful tiered skirt that your daughter will be sure to love. 


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