The Best Strip Quilt Patterns on the Web | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: The Best Strip Quilt Patterns on the Web

The Best Strip Quilt Patterns on the Web

Am I the only one that is in a constant need for a quick gift?  Strip quilts seem to be a quick way to to make a beautiful quilt.  Here are a few strip quilt patterns that inspire me!

the best strip quilt patterns on the web

Free Patterns:

ruffled strip quilt
Ruffle Strip Quilt on the Ribbon Retreat

Jelly Roll Jam Quilt Pattern
Jelly Roll Jam Quilt Pattern on Moda Cutting Table Blog

skinny strips quilt
Skinny Strips Quilt with All People Quilt

strip rag quilt pattern
Strip Rag Quilt Pattern

strip quilt tutorial
Strip Quilt Tutorial by FITF

strip and flip quilt tutorial
Strip and Flip Quilt Tutorial on Cluck Cluck Sew

braided stripe quilt
Braided Stripe Quilt by Anne and Will

strip tubing quilt
Strip Tubing Quilt Pattern by A Joyful Soul Fabrics

baby showers quilt pattern
Baby Showers Quilt Pattern on Moda Bake Shop

simpel strip quilt block
Simple Strip Quilt Block by Imagine Fabric

Strip Piecing by Diary of a Quilter

Patterns Available for Purchase:

Quick and Easy Jelly Roll Pattern

Shabby Strip Rag Quilt Pattern

All Strips Quilt Pattern

For more Quilt Pattern inspiration please visit my Quilt Layouts, Patterns, and Designs Pinterest Board:

Follow Bobbie A Vision to Remember's board Quilt Layouts, Patterns, and Designs on Pinterest.


Vintage Paint and more... said...

What a great collection of beautiful quilts you have put together. Thank you for sharing it with Share It One More Time. Cathy

Audrey said...

those are some beautiful quilts. thanks for sharing.

visiting from Pin-It Party

Claudia said...

these are all so beautiful, I'm going to have to try some out, I'll take pictures and link them back to here if I ever get round to finishing them!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this roundup! This is inspiring me to get sewing! Thanks for sharing and thank you for including our Ruffled Strip Quilt!

Lou Lou Girls said...

Hello beautiful! I love them all. You are so talented.Pinned. Thank you for taking the time to stop by! I hope to see you at our party tonight, it starts at 7 pm. We love to party with you!
Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful collection of quilts! You have a lot of talent and patience.

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