How to Update Decorative Balls and Save a Few Bucks | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: How to Update Decorative Balls and Save a Few Bucks

How to Update Decorative Balls and Save a Few Bucks

I bought a bag of balls (weird to say that right...)  The decorative kind.  They are the wooden, potpourri type.  They were red, purple, and brown.  Not necessarily the colors that I want in my living room.  Plus, I've been trying to add more color in my house. 

A quick and easy fix (and cheap I might add) is a cute vintage box filled with those wooden, fake plant balls spray painted to match my decor.

Now balls aren't that easy to paint, Just FYI.  The easiest way that I found to paint them is to put them in a box and spray them inside of there.  Less over spray and it seems to coat them a lot better cause you can roll the balls around while you are spraying them. 

The cute little basket that I have these balls in, is actually a plate holder for disposable plates. I like to use what I've got.  Leaves a few extra pennies in my pocket.  I don't mind it being black, but I haven't gotten any turquoise in this corner of my living room, so it might find itself at the wrong end of a spray paint can in the near future.  *insert evil laugh*

Now I am officially a dork my husband says.

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