Kids Summertime Fun, The Simple Way | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Kids Summertime Fun, The Simple Way

Kids Summertime Fun, The Simple Way

I am all about simplifying life.  As my kids get older (2, 5, 8, & baby due in Sept), my life gets crazier and crazier.  This summer we don't have a single weekend free.  Seriously, we have something scheduled every....single....weekend.  Not to mention keeping up with swimming lessons, dance lessons, and all the other kid activities.  It is driving me CRAZY.

So with all the craziness that summer provides, I like to keep what I can control simple.

This is what our simple summer time fun looks like:

Picking wildflowers

Learning a new talent (for my middle child it has been learning to sew)
PJ Days (when we don't have to leave the house)

Riding bikes

Hanging out with Dad doing stuff Dad likes to do.


Jumping on the Trampoline with water.  This is seriously my girls FAVORITE thing to do.

Eating ice cream, lollipops, or slushies.  Whatever we have access to that day. 

And just plain ol' hanging out, taking in the sun, even in we didn't get out of jammies that day. 

What do you to for fun during the summer that is easy, fun, and simplifies life?

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

So much fun! I seriously love summer! Thanks so much for linking up with our Living With Style Linky Party! Hope you'll join us again soon! Have an awesome weekend!

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