DIY Old Cabinet Door Upcycle to Family Room Wall Art Plus a Giveaway | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: DIY Old Cabinet Door Upcycle to Family Room Wall Art Plus a Giveaway

DIY Old Cabinet Door Upcycle to Family Room Wall Art Plus a Giveaway

I found this old cabinet door at the local Thrift Store +Deseret Industries a couple years ago.  I knew that I wanted to turn it into some kind of wall art.  So while I was painting I painted it orange.  Then I set it aside and found it a few months ago.  Have you ever done that?!?  Seriously,  sometimes I wonder if I will ever get all my projects done that I have already started on....

DIY Old Cabinet Door Upcycle to Family Room Wall Art

So I whipped out my mom's trusty ol +Silhouette America and found this this silhouette file to cut out the words.  For the turquoise top and bottom I used a design call "swirl" but I couldn't find the link to it...Sorry!

The Vinyl Colors that I used came from +Expressions Vinyl.  The gray is the medium gray interior color and then turquoise blue for the Scroll

DIY Old Cabinet Door Upcycle to Family Room Wall Art 

I ran into a couple problems while I was working on the vinyl part of this project.  First off, the transfer paper that I have was REALLY sticky (I bought it off of Ebay).  It didn't want to let go of the vinyl.  At first I thought that the vinyl wasn't sticky enough, but that wasn't the case.  

I recut the vinyl a second time, but this time I used Press and Seal instead of the transfer tape and it worked perfectly!  

I had also asked a few of my buddies over on Instagram and Facebook what they would recommend trying and most everyone said to do a layer of modge podge and then try adhering the vinyl.  I didn't work for me, but I think it would if your transfer tape isn't super sticky.  

I can't wait to get this beauty hung up next to my Clock in the next week or so.  I just need to find something to put on the other side of the clock opposite of this.  Any ideas?

DIY Old Cabinet Door Upcycle to Family Room Wall Art

Make sure to enter the giveaway below so that you have a chance to win $25 gift card to 

Also, you all get a nice little coupon code if you would like to go purchase some of this awesome vinyl from Expressions Vinyl.  It is avisiontoremember. 
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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I would make some wall art if I won!

Melissa said...

I would make this exact project! I love the saying & know the perfect place to put it. said...

I love the idea of using a cabinet door for a project. I'll be on the lookout! I'd make a vinyl cutout of my blog name to put on my car.

Unknown said...

Wow...I never would have thought to be that creative. Of course, I don't have a creative bone in my body

Unknown said...

Great ides. I love the concept of up cycling.

Unknown said...

Wow! Great idea. I love the color and the quote. Way to recycle!

Danielle said...

Okay I am totally in love with this. I really like using old stuff and turning it into something else.

Kiittäkää Aina ja Kaikesta said...

It looks really good! And I love the color combination!

Melinda's Musings said...

I love this! Great idea and great truth in the quote.

Unknown said...

Wow I really love that. That's truly easy to do with the vinyl. I am definitely doing this because I love quotes! :)

Mary said...

Decorating a condo we bought a year ago. Every room needs a makeover. I am kind of partial to the Work Hard Stay Humble saying on your blog. Perhaps something along that line.

VeronicaP said...

Cool idea! I love their vinyl and customer service!

Unknown said...

What a pretty project! Pinned this - love everything about it! Thanks for the giveaway too! I would love to play with some Expressions Vinyl and my Silhouette! :)

Unknown said...

I want to use the frosted vinyl to make a design to cover the little windows next to my front door.

srpprcrftr said...

Recycling cabinet doors is such great idea. I get my cabinet doors at Habitat for $2 to $5, won't pay anymore for them than that.
Wish I Had a machine to do the vinyl but too expensive for my budget. I do have some vinyl so use stencils or print out letters on pc and print out for templates. Where there's a will there's a way. If I want to make something bad enuf I wait til inspiration hits me then get to it. Love the family saying. I have a notebook I keep quotations/sayings in for future use. The orange on the door is so pretty with saying. I saw an old frame used for same kind of project, looked so good. Heart felt sayings never go out of vogue to be used in home. Enjoyed the post. Happy weekend. I'll be pinning this also.

Unknown said...

What a great idea and it turned out beautifully! I've never put much thought into cabinet doors before...but now you've given me inspiration@

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Love the Colors...My faves..Smiles.Cindy

Unknown said...

Gosh! Wonderful idea! I think about the cabinet doors we got rid of when we re-did our kitchen and I'm kicking myself now! I'm impressed with your creative talent. Thank you so much for partying with us at Inspire Me Mondays. Enjoy your weekend and we hope to see you back at the Link-Up on Monday1

Unknown said...

What a creative idea! I just might have to do something like this in the future 😉

Sum of their Stories said...

I love the idea of a cabinet door turned into art - fab! I notice one of your other commenters was saying they didn't have a cutting machine, I thinking the old "print onto paper, then pencil rubbing transfer method would work and then the wording could be painted. Maybe not as neat as the effect you get with the vinyl but doable for those who don't have access to a lovely machine.

Vintage Paint and more... said...

I have an old cabinet door that I have been saving for a project just such as this. Love it. Thank you for sharing at Share It One More Time. Cathy

Unknown said...

I love to recycle and repurpose. This idea is awesome. Thanks for linking up at #HomeMattersParty this week hope you will come back next week to link up again.

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