Customer Submission: Elephant Crib Bedding

This crib set has been one of my most popular. I love the style, the brightness, but most importantly it isn't the tradition truck or juvenile youth print that you normally see.

This particular set comes in turquoise blue, lime green, and gray colors with Elephants and Chevron Fabrics

This is the original picture from my Etsy Shop:

The crib bedding is available in my Etsy Shop:  A Vision to Remember

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How to Sew Simple Ruffle Curtains

Ruffle curtains are all the rage right now.  I personally HATE sewing a million ruffles.  The end result is GORGEOUS, but the time that it takes to get there is more than I have to spare.

So here is my simple solution to sewing ruffle curtains by using ruffle fabric

First you will need to decide the length you want your curtain.  

Valance in Lavender

Half Curtain in Yellow
Floor Length in Apricot
Shower Curtain in Hot Pink
 You will need a sewing machine, matching thread, and 2-3 inches more than the length you need for your curtain.  If you need more than the width that the fabric comes in then you will need to sew 2 pieces that are the same length together for the extra width.

Fold over your ruffle so that you have a 2 inch rod pocket (or whatever size pocket you need.  I always make sure that I have a ruffle starting at the top.  So the pocket might end up a little wider than 2 inches or little smaller, depending on the length of ruffles. 
As you sew down, make sure to check underneath your fabric so that your ruffles aren't being sewn on the underside.  You only want to sew on the knit fabric under the ruffles. 

 This is what your curtain will look like from the side after hanging it up.

To see how I refinished this beautiful glider rocking chair you can go HERE

If you love these curtains make sure to follow my pinterest board with lots more curtain inspiration.

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Hot Pink and Turquoise Girls Bedroom

I don't know if you remember. It was so long ago, but last fall we decided to move the 2 older girls downstairs.  They were so excited to get to sleep in the basement and on BUNKBEDS!  So after searching Craigslist, facebook groups, and thrift stores I finally found these wooden bunk beds, a dresser (that isn't in their room), and a desk.  
I was so excited.  I got to work painting everything with a little help (wink, wink)

Notice the cute little Owl on the bottom bunk.  The pattern can be found here, plus its free!

Room Before Picture.  Lovely Beige Walls. 

I  *finally* got the curtains done, and convinced the girls to clean up their room so that I could take pictures.  But in all seriousness.  The convincing included me throwing everything that was not photographable out into the hall with instructions to clean it up.  Mean mom....I know. 

Love the curtains, and so do the girls!  PS If you want your own curtain similar you can head on over to my Etsy Shop

This dresser I had my parents pick up a couple years ago from Craigslist in Arizona.  I am so jealous of their Craigslist.  Idaho Craigslist is definitely lacking to say the least.

I even let my oldest keep her "participation" trophy's out.  Even though I still don't understand why people give out participation trophy's.  Dumbest thing ever!

Even Minnie was able to make her debut.

Oh and the cute little metal chair came with the bunkbed set.  The person I bought them from didn't have a need for the chair anymore.  It was ugly, and boyish blue, with lovely boy stickers all over it.  Thanks to my awesome F-I-L, all that crap was burned off and then the chair got a lovely powder coat for a little bit extra durability. 

For those of you that follow along with me you might remember that I also redid their bathroom to match their bedroom.  Go HERE for a little pic
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Mommy Daughter Date Party- Lollipop Theme

Last weekend I hosted a Mommy Daughter date for our Church ( +The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ) girls ages 8-11.  We decided on going simple in our planning.

Lollipop Party with Lollipics
Mommy Daughter Date in LDS Church Gym
When we were first talking about what we would use I remembered talking to +LolliPics  at Snap Conference in April.
Balloon Lollipops for Mommy Daughter Date
That gave me the idea to have the girls get into groups and then collaborate on a lollipop design. 
They turned out so stinking cute!  Plus the moms loved them just as much as the girls did. 
Edible Centerpieces for PartyLollipop Centerpiece for Party
Didn't the suckers just turn out adorable!?!  The girls were so proud of them and so excited to give them to their moms!
Designing Lollipops

For the balloon lollipops I just stapled balloons to spray painted dowels.  Then I covered the balloon in cellophane and tied it up with a pretty bow.

Balloon Lollipop Centerpieces
Then I stuck the balloons into mason jars and random vases I had lying around the house filled with decorative rocks.

Lollipop Themed Party

Plus, a little ruffle fabric on the tables for a little splash of color.

The buffet table.   Super simple, but very cute!

Food Table for Lollipop Themed Party

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Family Service Project: Writing People in Service

Every 6 months or so, my family writes the Missionaries of our church +The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a little note for Family Home Evening.  Its a simple and fun service project for the whole family to get involved in.  Most of the time each of my kids write their own note/color a page and then I send them off to the missionaries.  
When Expressionary emailed me and asked me if I would do a review on their stationary I was excited because it was about that time of year again. 

They sent me note cards with little pictures that describe each person in my family.  The girls just thought these were the coolest things ever!  Especially with the mom being pregnant in the picture.  They kept asking "how did they know you were going to have a baby?"

They also sent me some awesome notepads that I have had to hide from the munchkins so that I can use them myself!  Along with cute little address labels.

Side Note:
I often think we should write to someone in the military serving, but sadly I don't know anyone.  That is on my list of people that my girls will write though.

The little miss LOVES the scissors, and just had to have them cause her sisters did.  Man I hate my kids growin up! 

Drawing pictures and writing notes:

If you are in need of some cute and high quality stationary, make sure to check out Expressionary 
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Stenciled Wall Art with Vinyl Letter

With little Baby Boy on the way I have been thinking a lot about what his nursery is going to look like.  I don't know why deciding on colors that aren't girly, but still appeal to me have been so hard!  Seriously!  I don't think I was cut out to be a mom to a boy!

Finally, I decided on doing mustard yellow, gray, and black.  Luckily for me, the nursery is already painted gray, so I am one step closer than I was before to getting his room done.  Thankfully, I still have 3 more months to get prepared for this little bundle of joy.

The first piece of decoration that I have made for his little room is a stenciled board with a Vinyl Letter on it. (Now hopefully we don't decide on a different name...eek!)

Here's how its done:

1. Cut a board down to the desired size.  My vinyl piece measured 12 inches long so I cut my board 14 inches long.

2.  Spray paint it (or roll it) your desired color

3.  After that has dried take the stencil that you would like the pattern of and lay it on top of your board.  My stencil was a little smaller than my board so I had to move the stencil around and paint it several times.

I would suggest NOT spray painting it like I did.  I centered the stencil on my board and sprayed it first and then I had to lay the stencil down 4 different times in each corner to finish the entire board off.

Next time, I would start in 1 corner and spray the stencil and then move it to the other corners, making sure to line up the stencil each time.  It would lessen the amount of times you would have to move the stencil and spray.

Also, you will either need to be REALLY quick when you are repositioning and spraying each time, OR wait after each spray for the paint to no longer be tacky.  Otherwise, the paint will stick to your stencil when you move it.  I am not very patient so I tried to be as quick as I could which worked for the most part, but not completely.

I used the Small Casbah Trellis stencil from Royal Design Studio Stencils

One other note.  I didn't want my stenciling to be perfect and clean.  I wanted a little rustic, not perfect look to it.  IF I wanted the stenciling to be perfect, I would have been A LOT more careful in the stenciling. 

4. Now take your vinyl letter and put it onto your board.

I used the the Classic Letters Monogram Vinyl Wall Decal from Wallternatives.  They not only have the letters, but they have a ton of amazing different vinyl and fabric decals for your home.  Seriously, head on over and check their website out.  It is amazing!  I especially love all of their designs in Chalkboard Vinyl. 

5.  You are finished!  Isn't it cute!
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