Teacher Appreciation Embroidered Frame | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Teacher Appreciation Embroidered Frame

Teacher Appreciation Embroidered Frame

If you are like me, you didn't think about Teacher Appreciation week until your School Aged Child came home and insisted on taking a gift to her teacher.

So I needed something quick and easy to make for her teacher.  This is what we came up with:

A simple frame from +Family Dollar (plus it was only $3) and a piece of fabric embroidered with her name on it.  The flowers came from my bucket of random flowers that I have gathered over the last few years.  They were lovingly placed and glued by my 8 year old that wanted NO help!

Of course we had to use purple, cause its her teachers FAV-OR-ITE color. 

If you don't have an embroidery machine, don't fret!  You can just use paper, and write the name and glue a couple embellishments on it, or use stickers for the name.  Use what you have at your disposal! 

This was embroidered on my +Brother Sewing Machine (PE 770)

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