Half Square Triangle Pillow from Kona Charm Squares | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Half Square Triangle Pillow from Kona Charm Squares

Half Square Triangle Pillow from Kona Charm Squares

I always love to learn something new, and this was no exception.  I have seen half square triangle quilts all over the webosphere, but I hadn't attempted one of my own.  I was able to complete this Half Square Triangle Pillow with the help of +Amy Smart!
half square triangle pillow
 A couple weeks ago I attended +Tauni Everett Event for bloggers called Snap!  It was held in SLC.  At the conference they had a sewing room.  It was Awe-Some!  I pretty much hung out there the whole time.  Mingling with fellow sewers, sewing away on +Baby Lock sewing machines.
half square triangle pillow
It was tons of fun! 

So here are the basics.  
  1. We took 8 charms from a Kona solid fabric stack.  Each stack only has 1 of each color so I bartered and traded until I had enough of the pink and turquoise bluish fabrics.  Then you will also need 8 solid white 5" squares.
  2. Then take a pen and something straight that is stiff and mark down the middle of the squares going from 1 point to the opposite point (you will only need to mark down the colored squares or down the white squares, not both)
  3. Stack 1 colored square on top of 1 white square, with right sides together. 
  4. Sew down each square 1/4" away from the line that you just marked, on both sides of the mark.
  5. Cut each square down the marked line and you will now have 2 new squares from each of the 2 squares you sewed together.  They will be made up of 2 triangles, 1 white and 1 colored
  6. Figure out the layout you would like with all the squares.
  7. Sew your squares into 4 strips (made up of 4 squares)
  8. Then sew your strips into a square
  9. For the back you will need 1 fat quarter.  You can finish the pillow however you would like.  I finished mine with an envelop back because that is what is easiest for me.  Plus when I need to wash the cover then I can just pull the pillow out and give it a quick wash.

I hope you enjoy making your very own Half Square Triangle Pillow

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Mitzi said...

I love this pillow pattern and the colors are super cute, too! Thanks for sharing with us at Motivation Monday :)

Barb said...

Thank you for submitting to Motivation Monday!

Anonymous said...

Cute pillow! I really like those colors!

Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party

Angie Forte said...

Cute pattern and I love the pillow :) Thanks for sharing on Something To Talk About link party! Hope to see you again next Monday!

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