Best Elk Steak Marinade Ever | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Best Elk Steak Marinade Ever

Best Elk Steak Marinade Ever

My husband loves to hunt.  Elk mostly.  This is the best marinade that I have come up with for our Elk Steaks.  It makes the elk nice and tender, and covers up most of the gamey flavor. 
When my husband brings home an elk, most of the elk gets ground up into hamburger (with some bacon instead of cow fat...yummm!)  But we still have lots of Elk Steak. (amazon links below on recipe)

So here is the marinade recipe (and really I just squirt the condiment into the pan or bowl that I am marinading the steak in and eyeball it):
1/4 c ketchup
1/4 c bbq sauce
1Tbsp mustard (I used spicy this time, but you can use whatever kind you want :)
2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp liquid smoke
1 tsp garlic salt (or 2 chopped garlic cloves)
1 tsp onion salt (or 1/2 of medium onion)
1 Tbsp A1 Cracked Peppercorn Dry Rub (if you don't have this I would just use pepper)

Stir all the ingredients (without the steak) together in your marinade bowl.

Then take your steaks and put them in your marinade.

Now this is the part that really makes the steak yummy and tender: Poke the crap out of each steak with a fork. Make sure that each steak is evenly coated in the marinade. 

The more you poke the steak the more flavor/tender the steak.


After letting your steak sit for awhile (at least 2 hours, but 24 hours would be even better), grill it to your desired doneness. 

PS.  A little tip someone told me when my husband first started to hunt...Onions take out the gamey flavor.  

MMMM yumm!


Laurie said...

My husband is an elk hunter too (and deer, and turkey . . .) I'm pinning and sharing this with him. Thank you for sharing with us at Brag About It!

Muchmore Creative said...

This sounds like a great recipe! I haven't had elk in sometime, but I bet it would work for beef steak also:)

Unknown said...

Oh, YUM! Now, if I can just get my hubby to fire up the grill...Thanks so much for taking the time to link up with us over at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again on Friday!

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