Sewing Yoga Girl Pants | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Sewing Yoga Girl Pants

Sewing Yoga Girl Pants

Wholeport sent me some knit fabric to do something with.  It is really cute, but really boyish.

 Which shouldn't be a problem, but I live in a house full of girls.  When I opened the package (because its a total surprise what they would be sending) I thought "oh crap.  How am I going to get my girls to wear this fabric."  Thankfully, they aren't total girly girls

Photobombing courtesy of our Miss Lilly the Boxer

All 3 of my girls just went through growth spurts so they are needing more lounge pants.  I used the Ananda Pants pattern from Chopstix Patterns.  It seriously is the easiest and best fit yoga pants that I have sewn.  My girls love them...I wish I had my own pair!

So the consensus is, that even my pickiest middle child approves!  

I made 3 pairs of these pants in under an hour.  Seriously the quickest and easiest thing ever!

  Sadly, baby girl was still sleeping so she missed out on the mini photo shoot. 
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