Happy Easter! #becauseofhim | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Happy Easter! #becauseofhim

Happy Easter! #becauseofhim

My heart is so full right now! I am so very grateful for Easter and the great reminder it is of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and what he did for us.

I am so grateful that he died for me and was resurrected so that I can be resurrected too!  I am so grateful that I get to be a part of a forever family because of Jesus.  Without him death would be the end and with him I get the eternities.

That brings me to my family.  I love them so very much and want to be with them ALWAYS, and that is possible because of Christ and his love for me.  He died on that cross for me and I will forever be grateful for what he did.

I love this video...if you want to take a few minutes to watch it.  It is about Christ and what Easter Really means. 

 If you would like more information and to read a condensed version of The Easter Story with your family (or by yourself )  Go to Mormon.org 
Or check
+Mormon Channel
+The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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