50th Classy Birthday Party with a Quick Gift and Quick Cake

Do you need a quick and easy cake decorating idea? I found this on pinterest and got the instructions from this blog (Spiced Blog)
We did a surprise 50th birthday party for my mom. She was surprised but we knew that she wouldn't want to to have all the black and over the hill stuff. So instead we did bling cause she is a classy Lady.
Of course we also had to get her a blinged out "candy cane" as my 4 year old calls it.  We just took a metal can and spray painted it hot pink and then glitter over the top of that.  It was a fun and quick little gift. 

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Book Review: Play-Doh Shapes and Letters Books

I was asked to do a review on 2 different books. I was so excited to check these books out because I knew my girls would LOVE them!

They are the Play-Doh Shapes book

and the Play-Doh Letters book.

They are really fun books because my girls were able to read them and look at the fun bright pictures and then after that then they pulled out the play-doh and played with it.  It was really fun for my 4 year old because she is loves learning and working with letters.  So make sure to check them out!  
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