Quick snack: Frosted Crackers with Sprinkles | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Quick snack: Frosted Crackers with Sprinkles

Quick snack: Frosted Crackers with Sprinkles

I don't know about you but whenever I make a some frosting I always seem to make way too much! So I found a quick and fun way to use up the extra.

Quick snack: Frosted Crackers with Sprinkles
I love chocolate graham crackers. They are a little weakness of mine, but they are so hard to find. This would work with any sweet crackers.

frosting a graham cracker
Step 1~frost your crackers

graham cracker sprinkles
Step 2~dip frosted side of crackers into sprinkles. 
If you want to do the colored coconut you will need to add a couple drops of food coloring into a bowl that has a lid.  Put the lid on and shake the coconut until all the coconut is covered in the food coloring.

graham crackers with dyed coconut

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1 comment:

Jelli said...

Interesting idea! This definitely takes graham crackers up a notch.

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