Purple black zebra quilt

I made this custom purple and black zebra twin size rag quilt a couple weeks ago.  I have done several with hot pink but hadn't made any in the purple color scheme.  I love how it turned out!
Twin size Rag Quilt can be found on A Vision to Remember   Custom sizes can be made depending on the size you need. 

Custom Zebra Purple and Black Pillow Sham

Custom Baby Rag Gift Set

Just finished up this fun gift set...it includes a rag receiving blanket, burp rags, bibs, rag quilt, and purse.  It was lots of fun to make!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Marshmallow Rice Krispies

I always seem to need a quick treat.  Whether its for a family get together, after school special treat, or I have a sweet tooth coming on.  I don't have time to wait around for cookies to bake!

Chocolate Rice Crispy Treats Recipe on A Vision to Remember
So the other day my girls REALLY wanted a treat.  I was in a hurry to do whatever I was trying to get done that day, but wanted to make them a treat too.  So this is what we came up with.  Rice krispy treats are always a family favorite and a quickie, but I really didn't want those.  So I started to melt the marshmallows like usual and then decided to change it up a bit.  Here is what I did.

Chocolate Marshmallow and Peanut Butter Rice Krispy Treats:

6 cups rice krispys
1 bag mini marshmallows (you can use the larger but the minis seem to melt lots better)
1/2 bag chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter (you can omit this if you want)

Melt the marshmallows, chocolate chips and peanut butter together.  I melted the marshmallows a little bit before I added the chocolate chips so they wouldn't burn.  Then stir in the rice krispy's .  Easy peasy and it only took me 5 minutes.  The girls were happy and so was I!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Treats Recipe on A Vision to Remember
Yum, Yum!

Cheer Up, Mouse! Children's Book Review

I was asked a couple weeks ago to check out a fun kids book.  I was excited to be able to share this fun book with my girls!  They love reading, getting read to, and looking at pictures in books.  The book I was asked to review is called "Cheer Up, Mouse" by Jed Henry.

This book is all about a mouse that is sad, and how the other animals try to cheer him up.  They try all sorts of shenanigans and none of them seem to work.  That is until the  thoughtful Chickmunk decides to give him a hug.  That hug was just what the Mouse needed!

Its a fun little read for the kids, and a great way to remind them (and even us adults) that sometimes all someone needs is a hug and a reminder that they are loved.

So, if you are looking for a fun book to share with your family, you should check out Cheer Up, Mouse!

Quick snack: Frosted Crackers with Sprinkles

I don't know about you but whenever I make a some frosting I always seem to make way too much! So I found a quick and fun way to use up the extra.

Quick snack: Frosted Crackers with Sprinkles
I love chocolate graham crackers. They are a little weakness of mine, but they are so hard to find. This would work with any sweet crackers.


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