Easy Stroganoff Meatball Recipe~Kid Friendly | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Easy Stroganoff Meatball Recipe~Kid Friendly

Easy Stroganoff Meatball Recipe~Kid Friendly

Let me start off by saying that I have the taste buds of a 4 year old.  I am so picky!  I hate it.  I want to love salmon, red sauce on pizza, sausage, hot dogs, peppers, tomatoes, grapefruit and many other "normal" foods.

As a kid I would rather go hungry than eat the meals that I hated!

So, I often times try to hide things my girls don't like (and me) in other things that we do like.  This time it was green peppers in meatballs.

1 lb hamburger (I used elk burger cause that's what I have in my freezer)
1/2 c bread crumbs or crushed crackers (sometimes I will use oatmeal as well)
1 egg
little bit of milk to help hold the mixture together
1 medium onion finely chopped (I used my food processor)
1 medium green pepper
2 cloves garlic
1 drop liquid smoke (love this stuff!)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp Lawry's salt
Any other seasonings of choice

Thaw hamburger if needed and combine all the ingredients. 

Sorry this picture is bad.  My girls were taking the pictures for me cause my hands were dirty.  I like to use my cookie scoop to make perfect size meatballs. 

I place them onto my cooling rack for cookies that is on a cookie sheet lined with tin foil (for easy cleanup).  That way the meatballs are baked out of their grease. 

Bake the meatballs at 350 for 20-30 minutes. Don't over bake them or they will get really dry.  For the stroganoff sauce I just use cream of mushroom soup.  Its easy and quick.  Serve the soup and meatballs over some spaghetti noodles and enjoy!

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