Our Love Story Wedding Invitation to Wall Art | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: Our Love Story Wedding Invitation to Wall Art

Our Love Story Wedding Invitation to Wall Art

 My Baby Sister found an announcement on Pinterest that she just had to have for her wedding this summer.  My Mom, Sister, and Photographer worked for a week straight to get this thing just perfect.  The announcement goes through how they met and fell in love. 

So I couldn't resist taking that cute announcement, getting it blown up and then "framing" it.  I took a piece of board and painted it gray.  Then taped the lines and painted them black.  Finally I roughed it up a bit and then put a little stain over the top of the paint to distress it a little.  I spray adhesived the picture to the board and then modge podged over the top of that and had a cute little gift! 
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