Our Love Story Wedding Invitation to Wall Art

 My Baby Sister found an announcement on Pinterest that she just had to have for her wedding this summer.  My Mom, Sister, and Photographer worked for a week straight to get this thing just perfect.  The announcement goes through how they met and fell in love. 

So I couldn't resist taking that cute announcement, getting it blown up and then "framing" it.  I took a piece of board and painted it gray.  Then taped the lines and painted them black.  Finally I roughed it up a bit and then put a little stain over the top of the paint to distress it a little.  I spray adhesived the picture to the board and then modge podged over the top of that and had a cute little gift! 
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Ruffled Curtain Panel

 I was asked to make a couple sets of ruffled curtains and I am so glad that they did!  These curtains are so stinking cute.  They are made from the popular ruffled knit fabric so they are easy to keep clean and can be easily washed. 

 So far I have been able to do lavender and red and am excited to more!

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Ruffled Baby Blessing Dress

I just realized that I hadn't posted about the blessing dress I made for my baby this summer.  I made a simple bodice from a pattern that I had and then for the skirt I took some ruffled fabric and sewed them together.  Seriously this dress took me less than an hour and was adorable!

For the flowers I did a rolled flower and then had some sheer flowers that I pinned onto the dress.

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Scallops and Ruffles Oh My! Rag Quilt in Lime Green and Hot Pink

Newly listed in the shop. A rag quilt with ruffles and scallops in lime green, hot pink, and turquoise.  The quilt is ready to be shipped. 

I think my absolute favorite part of this quilt are the scallops at the top and the bottom of the quilt. 

ps...do you see my husband behind the quilt?  He was a good sport and stood outside to hold a couple quilts while I snapped pictures!
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