More Custom Nursery Bedding

 Nursery bedding seems to be what is in demand these days around these parts. 
 This custom football rag quilts and crib bedding were really fun to make. 

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Baby Girls Shabby Chic Nursery

I finally finished the baby's bedding a few weeks ago.  I made custom crib bumpers, fitted sheet, rag quilt, and crib skirt

I love how it turned out. The vine minky from is by far one of my favorite. 
This is definitely my favorite my favorite fabric from Riley Blake called Lost and Found.  I can't wait til they come out with another similar line!

Custom baby bedding is now available in my Etsy Shop A Vision to Remember.  
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Curved Shower Cornice Board-How to Update your Bathroom for Cheap and make a Huge Splash

How to Make a Curved Shower Cornice Board for your Bathroom
 I knew when we were building our house that I wanted a cornice board above my shower.  The problem though was that I had a curved bathtub and had bought a curved shower curtain.  So what does a girl do?  Make the cornice board curved...Duh!  It seriously took me a few weeks to figure that one out.

Boutique Car Seat Tent Pattern: A Vision to Remember Newest Release

 Introducing the newest car seat tent pattern available in my Etsy Shop HERE  This car seat tent I made for my own little missy.  We didn't know her gender and I was having a really hard time coming up with something gender neutral.  I love the way it turned out.  I think its my absolute favorite car seat tent I have made to date. 

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PATTERN, Shopping Cart Cover, Grocery Buggy, Baby, tutorial, REVERSIBLE, Mailed Version - $6.00

pattern, shopping cart, germ free, baby, infant, sewing, simple, easy, cover, quick, tutorial, handmade, carts, REVERSIBLE, avisiontoremember, toddler,


Don't you just hate putting your child in the shopping cart? I know I do. All I can think about are all the germs from everyone on that handle where my baby is trying to eat. Drives me...

Click Here to Visit My Etsy Shop!

Refinished Rocking Chair-Master Bedroom

It took me more than4 months to finish this little beauty.  Between being pregnant and having a newborn things just don't seem to get done as quickly around here as they used to.
 This was the first before picture I got.  I was looking and couldn't find the ugly 90's floral print that it used to be.  My mom took home the cushions and brought them back to me the next day finished.  She is one amazing woman.  She was supposed to wait so I could learn but she knew that I would be no help being 9 months pregnant. 
Once the little missy arrived I knew I really needed the chair but didn't have the energy to get it painted. So I talked the hubby into moving it inside for me to use until I got the chance to finish it. So finally a couple weeks ago I had my 6 year old help me drag it out into the garage and we got right to painting it and my 3 year olds toddler bed. 
Lets just say that my bedroom is my absolute favorite room in the entire house.

Want to see my bed set and the custom bench?  Go HERE 
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Car Seat Cover PATTERN, Baby Rag Quilt, Nursing Cover, Sewing, Easy Peasy, Hard Copy, Mailed - $8.00

pattern, baby, quilt, blanket, rag, cover, car seat, carseat, canopy, infant, flannel sewing, toddler, girl, carrier, girl, boy, minky, fabric, bedding, crib,

This blanket is so easy to sew and a great blanket for the beginner. It can be whipped up in just a few hours.

This gorgeous car seat tent will keep your baby warm and germ free while looking absolutely adorable. It measures approx...

Click Here to Visit My Etsy Shop!

Muddie Buddies Popcorn Recipe

What do you do when you really want some chex muddy buddies but you don't have any Chex?

Make popcorn instead!

Muddy Buddies Popcorn Recipe
We followed the regular ol' muddy buddies recipe HERE but popped us some popcorn instead.  It was a huge hit!  Plus it was quick and easy and popcorn is actually really good for you so you can have a semi healthy treat. 


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