Fathers Day-Your the Best Pop

Fathers day- Your the Best Pop printable found HERE

We used diet dr pepper (the father in laws fav!), popcorn, tootsie pops, rock pops, and push pops. 
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Strawberry Flavored Waffles with Coconut Syrup

Not only is breakfast the most important meal of the day, but it is my absolute favorite.  Especially when it includes waffles.  Especially strawberry flavored waffles. 

Strawberry Flavored Waffles and Pancake Recipe

New Baby Pictures

I am that mom apparently.  My baby is now 9 1/2 weeks old and I am just getting around to posting the pictures that were taken when she was 1 week old.  Such is life with a newborn I guess.  Enjoy!

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15 Minute Personal Pizzas

Pizza is a staple at our house.  And no I don't mean the "call the guy up and deliver kind"  We live a little too far out of town for them to want to deliver to us.  Besides, that takes all the fun out of making out own creation.

15 minute personal pizzas for dinner


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