Stress Less by GIVEAWAY and Review

A few weeks ago I was asked to do a review of 6 kitchen product.  It is a new line call Stress Less by Trudeau.   When I received the box this is what I found:

1.     Stress Less Safety Can Opener

2.     Stress Less Garlic Press
3.     Stress Less Easy Grind Pepper Mill
4.     Stress Less Easy Grind Salt Mill
5.     Stress Less Pizza Cutter
6.     Stress Less Rotary Cheese Grater
I have really enjoyed all the products.  They are very well made.  They are definitely easy on the joins while using them.  My absolute favorite are the pepper grinder and salt grinder.  We have the regular ol grinders like: 
Salt and Pepper Grinder

I learned something while using the salt grinder...salt really can loose its flavor.  I knew that pepper did, but had no idea that salt tastes so much better when it is freshly ground.  Seriously!  
 This salt grinder (and the pepper one) were so easy to use.  I fell in love with them!  I think the old set might just find their way to the garage sale pile.  
 I really like the can opener because it is one of those that don't end up with rough edges.  I will say that it does take a little to get used to compared to the other style that I have but I do really like the smooth edges on a can.  
 Sadly, I wasn't able to use the garlic press (oh but I will in about a month).  We don't have any garlic except what is growing on the ditch bank out back.  
I loved using the cheese grinder.  It makes nice and small shredded cheese.  It worked great with a softer cheese (like cheddar) and I am sure it would be wonderful with hard cheeses as well.  
All of the products are great to use...easy on your joints.  They are easy and quick...nothing complicated at all.  Which makes my life as a busy mom easier for sure!
So now onto the best part of all!  One of you lucky people will be the new owners of $143 worth of kitchen products.  You will receive an awesome box just like the one that I did

Please enter using the RaffleCopter widget below. 
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How to Attach Small Flowers to Headbands: Simple and Quick

How to Attach Small Flowers to Headbands: Simple and Quick

I seem to always be in a hurry before I leave my house.  I forget how much time a newborn takes.  I never plan ahead outfits for anyone.  Of course I can't leave with my baby not having a headband.  How else is anyone to know that she is a girl and not a boy?  
How to Attach Small Flowers to Headbands: Simple and QuickHow to Attach Small Flowers to Headbands: Simple and Quick
So the other day as I was flying around the house trying to get everyone ready to go I realized the little Missy didn't have a headband.  Serious crisis on our hands right? :)  Anyways so I found some matching flowers and then turned on the hot glue gun.  Did I have time for it to warm up? Not really.  So as I was waiting I noticed some safety pins sitting next to my sewing machine.  Light bulb!  Seriously.  So I pinned those cute little flowers on and unplugged that little glue gun and off we went.  Crisis averted?  I think so!
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Strip Rag Quilt Pattern by A Vision to Remember

This quilt was really fun to make. It is quick. It's simple. Its a Strip Rag Quilt with binding and and quilting on it.  Not your everyday rag quilt I must say.

I made this adorable blanket for a friend of mine. It was her daughters 1st birthday and of course she needs her own snuggly blanket. Right?

I decided to write up a quick pattern for it.  Ok, so the pattern is quick, the write up took me over a week to sit down and do.  I forget how demanding a newborn is.

but we are so in love with her.  I think with her being our third I have realized how quickly the others grow.  I hear it all the time...they grow so fast and before you know it they are gone (yep my oldest graduated from kindergarten, I CANNOT be that old!).  So, for now, I love snuggling her and watching her little personality come out.

So now for your pattern.  Go to our store to download it.  And as always if you love it :)

New Rag Quilts and Custom Pillow Sham

Right before I had the baby, I was able to get these two lovely quilts out to 2 very special girls for their birthdays!
Ragged Pillow Sham

And I finally remembered BEFORE I shipped out this pillowcase to get a picture of it.  

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Cinnamon Roll Cake Recipe

I saw a recipe for cinnamon roll cake on Pinterest the other day.  Now I don't know about you but I LOVE cinnamon rolls, but unless my baby sister is around I don't ever get any.  I just don't have the time or the desire to slave over them for a day.

So I had to give this recipe a try.  
Cinnamon Roll Cake Recipe


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