My Sorry Attempt at Gender Neutral | A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog: My Sorry Attempt at Gender Neutral

My Sorry Attempt at Gender Neutral

Let me start by saying that I don't think anything can be completely gender neutral.  But you can get pretty darn close.  So on Sunday while I was watching/listening to General Conference  I attempted to make a car seat tent that is gender neutral.  I FAILED MISERABLY!

 It is so stinking cute and girly and fun that it just can't be for a boy.  Of course it isn't finished yet, and hopefully it will be before this little one (whatever it may be) joins our family.

I guess my saving grace will be when I add this minky fabric to the back of it (it is from Shannon Fabrics and will be available in my Etsy shop as soon as I find the time to add it there :)  Isn't that fabric totally boy color?!?  I swear it is not girly at all! Right?
 Poor thing if it is a boy.  It is going to be surrounded by all things GIRL. 
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Unknown said...

Ooh, I love that green minky! I might have to make just one more go for a contoured changing pad cover because that goes perfectly with my nursery!

Emily Thompson said...

I agree... its so hard to be neutral! I had some things that were given to me as gender neutral, but were totally too girly to put on when I actually had a boy, not a girl :o)

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